Later, Luo Jianjia began to knead the noodles. After the dough was kneaded, Zhao and Aunt Wang went to wrap the salty pie, which was filled with sweet bean paste.

The main reason is that the red bean paste is too expensive. They have not wrapped it before, and they don't know how many cakes these red bean paste can make.

When packing, Luo Jianjia carefully put the stuffing inside.

After making six packs, she stopped and went to bake the six to try the flavor of the red bean paste.

After a while, the red bean paste pie was baked. When it was taken out of the oven, a sweet smell came over.

It is different from the color of the vegetable stuffing, this time it is reddish.

Luo Jianjia divided the red bean paste into four portions, one for each of her, Zhao, Boss Chu, and Aunt Wang.

The warm pancakes are very delicious, and the pancakes with the flavors of red bean paste and sugar are even more unique.

After taking one bite, Zhao didn't speak, and quickly took a second bite. After all the cakes in his hand were eaten, he spoke.

"Jianjia, this cake is really delicious. It's very sweet and fragrant."

Although Luo Jianjia liked everything Zhao did, this was the first time Luo Jianjia was so excited to see Zhao, which shows that she really likes it.

Aunt Wang and Boss Chu also praised the red bean paste.

Luo Jianjia asked them to make suggestions. The three of them had never eaten pie with red bean paste. They only said it was delicious, but didn't say what was bad.

Luo Jianjia tasted the taste by himself, and felt that the sweetness was still a little bit worse, but now the filling is ready, and the sugar doesn't feel that way.

She decided to put in a little more sugar when she made it tomorrow.

When it was finally finished, Luo Jianjia calculated the cost, and a pie was about a penny.

Calculating labor costs and firewood costs, she plans to sell three cents apiece.

When Luo Jianjia price the pie at two three cents yesterday, Zhao and Boss Chu were afraid that the price would be too high and no one would buy it. Today, she proposed a three-cent for red bean paste cake, and no one thought it was too high.

It seems that sugar is really expensive here, but anything sweeter is considered expensive.

In addition, she also feels that everyone has no opinion on the price of delicious things.

Luo Jianjia was still hesitating whether these bean pastes could not be sold if they were done, but from the feedback from Boss Chu and Zhao, she decided to finish them all and not the shortbread.

So today, I made 60 red bean paste cakes and 40 pies with vegetarian fillings.

A while ago, Luo Jianjia could only sell 80 pancakes a day, so he didn't make too much noodles last night, so he took 50 pancakes.

After Luo Jianjia went to town, he repeatedly returned to the Zhao family how to sell cakes. You can cut one first and give it to everyone who comes. If no one buys it, then tell people how much material is used to make this thing and how expensive it is, and how troublesome it is to make the material.

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