Chapter 7: The Offshore Battle of Rodenius (PART 2)

Start from the beginning

In the history of warfare in the continent of Rodenius, the dictating factor was a large number of crew to fight in hand-to-hand combat. projectile weapons such as bolts from large crossbows or ballistae fixed on the bulwarks, bows and arrows, weights dropped from a yard or pole rigged out, and the various means of setting an enemy alight. After all it was close to impossible to sink a ship. Everything is depends on how capable the sailors is , with a questions of; can they take control and eliminate the enemies aboard the ships or how they can stand in defense of own ships against hijackers.

And it was utter nonsense to defeat to the point of annihilating the fully equipped 4,400 ship-strong against barbarians of the uncivilized frontier. This collection of forces could even possible stand a chance, if they ever get into confrontation with one of the Superpowers of the Great Civilizations


The ASEAN's warships firing their cannons sinking a ship with each attack. It was as if they were conducting live fire exercises. There's still, 4,400 a threatening number but after a half hour an they sunk over 4,000, and they starting running low on ammunition.

"Cease firing."

The Intrepid the leading ship approached the enemy fleet. When it gotten close to 400 meters, A hail of mixed calibers of 5.56, 7.62mm and 12.7 machine gun fire ravage the hostile forces together with other ASEAN warships augmented by  20mm, 25mm, 30mm and 40mm cannon fire to further sink more ships.

But the disaster did not end there. The helicopter complements of each ships joined the hunt increasing the efficiency of whittling down the numbers. They considered the battle like akin to a hunting competition. And the Laurian subjugation force was terrorized.

"They're monsters! It's impossible! Monsters! Aaaaaahhh!"

One by one, and over the time they were all being sunk in unbelievable speed.

" it's over."

Vice-Admiral Scharkun was in despair. There's no way to win against these odds. At this rate, his men will get slaughtered pointlessly. However, if they surrender they cannot rule out the possibility of getting killed after taken as prisoners of war, after the inexcusable violence they committed in Gim, he should take any measures for his men getting out of this place.

The only possibility left was for them to withdraw. After leading the largest fleet in the history of Rodenius, losing a 4,000 of it, then shamelessly return back to his country, he would labelled as the most incompetent admiral and be sentenced to death. However, he couldn't get himself to see his men dying in vain. But before he could convey his orders to "retreat" his flagship shook after taking a direct hit and sank into the sea.

"The enemy still won't retreat."

Then the next order was made.

"They are less than 400 right? Tell the choppers to issue a surrender recommendation to the enemies, if they refused tell them... that here in this place will became their graveyard."

"But sir won't you let them retreat?"

" It's alright, and besides on the first place they've got nothing to docked at "


"Because phase 2 of this operation is already moving, and if they ever encountered the separate fleet they might get ruthless sunk without getting the luxury of getting rescued like here"

Then finally, the remnants of the Laurian fleet surrendered to the ASEAN and which ended Naval Battle of Rodenius.

Breweye, the military attache from Qua Toyne aboard the HTMS Chakri Naruebet, can't believe it. He'd been listening to the entire conflict from the bridge, and he didn't even know what the hell's going on. Only  seeing the rescue operations occurred in the ocean where the battle took place did he come into realization what happened. The ocean was littered in the floating debris of war. While he didn't spectates the actual thing, but one thing for sure it was overwhelming victory, that turn this ocean into watery grave of Laurian forces.


The observer from the Parpaldia Empire, Varhal, trembled in fear. Fortunately for him, ship he boarded manage to survive unscathed from the bombardment and same time, unfortunately been taken into custody by ASEAN-Qua Toyne Coalition.

He was originally ordered to take account about the seizure and  subjugation of Qua Toyne by Laurian fleet of 4,400 ships. For entertainment he anticipated this mission as he engrossed on how interesting the fight between primitive barbarians using ballistae or bow and arrows to fight in long-range together with hand to hand combat and boarding tactics, in addition to these how would inferior and desperate Qua Toynese would fare against overwhelming odds in numbers of Personnels and materials in this naval battle.

However, a hostile ship of unknown origin appeared in horizon and completely out in his calculation because the sheer size alone surpassed his own nations 100-Guns ship of the lines. And another astonishing fact, that the enemies didn't seems using Tears of the wind in order to accelerate in the ocean, it alone cutting through the waves on its own power with incredible momentum. ( rather that, it doesn't even have sails)

In terms of classification, the enemy warships is at least battleship class of 100-gun Ship of the lines of his Nation, but due to single yet abnormally large cannon on what to be presumed as rotating turrets. Are they kidding us here? On the first place how barbarians manage to build such exquisite humongous ships in the frontier? They've yet to reach technological level to build one but what is this, if his memories are right they shouldn't able to. The cannons have low accuracy rate and they need to fire a large volley in order to hit the intended target. That why the 100-gun ships was invented in order to compensate the lack of accuracy with overwhelming fire power.

But the Varhal started to shake, how could a gun accurately hit a moving ship 3 kilometers away, and hit them with frightening accuracy. The power also is immensely abnormal to sink a ship with one or two shots.

The surprising part is how they fought the wyverns. The countermeasures in that case was to send wyvern lords launched from Dragon mother ships to prevent them from harming the friendly forces and same time eradicate the opposing wyverns. And it quite an easy job in dispatching them, after all the wyverns of the frontier and weaker civilized nations are Inferior to the wyverns that Parpaldian imperial forces deployed.

And lastly, cannons shouldn't be able to hit targets in the air, simply it was the common sense and yet they hitting the fast moving wyverns and taking them down with ever single shots. If it's skill that would be impossible, there's no way humans are capable of such feats. And this unkown foreigners advanced their technological level without being detected by my homeland, could possibly threatened the Parpaldian Empire in the future.

Varhal manage to complete his reports in developments in this continent before getting into custody by unkown armed forces with magic communication to his country.


Note* the Singaporeans only owned and installed 25mm mk.38 mod 2 typhoon weapon system(25mm Bushmaster 200 rpm without coaxial machine gun) and not mk.38 mod 3 in the formidable class.

And lastly, the raws is a bit annoying the author always switching the POV it's a bit of a trouble.

I'm trying to make the settings from the scratch, but other side  characters won't have screen time so I decidedly to follow the raws. only in Parpaldian arc will be overwritten from scratch and change the flow the story.

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