Chapter Seven

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Nico's POV

        Nico stood outside, breathing in the fresh air. It felt especially nice in his nostrils, considering that he had just been in the stables. His half-sister Hazel was in love with horses, but Nico thought animals were a pain. They never liked him anyway, dogs always growled at him. The horses had gotten uneasy when he had been there, so the owner had asked him to leave. Nico was a little worried about his sister being in there alone, but when he had objected, Hazel had looked so sad. He wasn't going to make her feel worse, she was dealing with boyfriend drama right now. Nico didn't really like the fact his younger sister was dating, but was grateful that it was someone who could protect her. It also helped that Frank's grandmother had apparently not given him the "talk", and he was pretty innocent when it came to certain "things". He would be more worried about Leo, but he bounced back pretty quickly. Leo had a habit of falling for girls he couldn't have, and had developed thick skin as a result. Nico normally only had to watch a lame rom-com with Leo crying his eyes out. It was painful, but only lasted a couple of hours. He saw his sister ride past on a horse, a genuine smile on her face. Nico decided that this trip was worth it, even if it had cost him $25.

Jason's POV

        "Stop humping the lat-pull down machine!" Jason yelled, not wanting to believe he actually had to say that. It was another day managing the gym, and a couple of weeks of this made Jason realize that he was definitely not taking it over. It didn't help that yesterday, he had actually gotten along with Nico. Jason had thought that they would never get along, and it terrified him that they could actually it actually felt right. He wanted Nico to walk through the door, but at the same time he really didn't need the distraction right now. Reyna had to work today, and Jason really needed help right now. She wasn't actually dating Piper, but Jason knew it was only a matter of time. Reyna and Piper were both hot and into girls, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Jason wasn't looking forward to picking up the broken pieces of Reyna's heart though. The sound of a crowd chanting "Fight" jarred Jason out of his thoughts, and he instantly headed over to the sound. He approached the crowd, and was grateful for his height. He saw football player Frank Zhang, and prankster Leo Valdez in the center. Jason also saw a distressed Hazel nearby, and it didn't take Jason long to put the pieces together. He saw Frank raise his fist, and Jason started pushing through the crowd. Shit, my dad has a strict no fighting policy. Jason thought, being his rule following self. He arrived just in time to see Leo stand up, and take a swing at Frank, barely doing any damage. It looked almost comical, the muscular Asian fighting the scrawny Hispanic. Jason got between the two, and placed a palm on each of the boy's chest.

        "You two can settle this lover's quarrel else where," Jason demanded, pushing each of them. Laughter erupted from the crowd, and the love triangle exited the gym. Jason had tutored Hazel last year, and he figured Hazel was smart enough to sort this out. The crowd dispersed, and Jason saw Piper standing not to far away.

        "We need to talk," Piper whispered, and Jason felt his heart hammering in his chest.

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