Chapter 2

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Brooks Pov:

Everything went great and Jack was quieter than usual. The best thing about his tranquil situation was that he didn't say any bad things around Lee. Lee demanded a few songs from us as a band and he, Kirsty, and Harper clapped whenever a song was finished. "Harper mate, how about you sing something as well? Your voice is beautiful." Mikey knew Harper the most so I wasn't surprised when Mikey told Harper to sing. "Hmm, Lee? What do you want me to sing?" Watching Lee and Harper interact with each other was one of the most beautiful things I have seen in my life.

 "Can you sing one of uncle Andy's favorite songs? Do you know September song by JP Cooper?" His eyes lit up when Harper smiled at him while nodding. "I like this song a lot as well." Not even a minute later Harper started singing and if I didn't fall for him before, I sure would after hearing him singing towards Lee. We all clapped as Harper finished and we started talking about the weirdest things. 

Within ten minutes Lee laid his head on Harper's arm and fell asleep. "I think we should start to go. At least Lee and I." Everyone except Harper stood up, he put Lee on his lap so he could lay on him comfortably since Lee is still very small. I went to Jack to talk to him. "Hey Jacky, it was really nice to have you here." He smiled at me. "It was, I am sorry for being so rude earlier. I never meant to abuse drugs and alcohol like this but it got out of control. I am starting rehab soon and Kirsty will stay with me. It would be nice to take you and Lee out for lunch on the weekend maybe. I need to apologize to him and you too. Only if you agree, of course."

I hugged Jack tightly. "Of course I agree, it will be good for you two to build back your relationship. He deserves two dads who care dearly for him." Jack smiled at me and soon left with Kirsty as I went back to get pulled into a hug by Harper. "Hey, I've overheard your conversation with Jack. Do you want me to come?" I looked up at him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes who sparkled like a gorgeous sea. "That would be amazing, thank you Harps." I kissed his cheek looking at him as he blushed. It was such a cute color, a rose-tainted blush on his stunning face. 

"Good night Brooky, I will see you tomorrow." "Yeah, I have to start at a different job first. The company is called Dark Enterprises. Apparently, they are a big deal around here." Harper smirked at me as he kissed my forehead. "Ohh, so we will see each other tomorrow morning. My parents actually own the company." I was completely shocked. "No way, so I have to be extra polite because they are your parents." Harper put his hand through my hair to cheek. "They will love you as soon as they see you and at some point, maybe we can tell them about us being very close." I took a step back as he pronounced the last few words. "Harper, I can't. I have Lee and I am a broken person. I love the wrong people who leave me and I can't take the risk for Lee's sake. It would leave us both heartbroken. Plus who wants to be with someone who has a child and money issues on top of trust issues?" 

Harper took a step in my direction, not to get too close but close enough so I could listen to every word he says. "I want you Brook, you and Lee. I don't care about you being a father. Actually, I do, I find it very admirable that you are a single parent at such a young age. I would rather wait a few years until you are ready than being with someone who can't appreciate and love me as you do. So, I will wait for you and when you are ready, let me know. I will always choose you, Brooklyn." He kissed my cheek one last time while handing me a very asleep Lee. "See you tomorrow."

I blushed horrendously as I went to Rye and Andy outside where they waited for me. "Rye, please take Lee from Brook. I need to talk to him alone for a little bit." Rye just smilingly grabbed Lee from me and so we made our way back to our neighborhood. "Sooo, what is going on between Harper and you?" I looked down to the floor as we walked further. "I am not going to lie, Andy, I really like him but I am not ready yet. Lee has to settle in here and I don't know if it's the best idea to date the son of my boss on my first work day already. But he told me he will wait for me to be ready." Andy shook his head. "Brook, go and kiss him tomorrow. Be with him. Lee and him get along just fine and you have to try. Even if you realise it is not what you wanted, you can still be friends afterwards. So go for it and don't look behind, Brooky."

Soon we arrived at our houses and I got Lee straight to bed and I joined him not long after.

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