Chapter 2

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Katsuki Bakugou was brought back to U.A. The heroes' mission went well, despite the fact that All Might had retired. All For One was captured and Chiori was kidnapped by the heroes. She knew not to have high hopes of the League Of Villains coming to get her back knowing the events that occured recently.

Chiori had been living with the underground hero, Aizawa Shota, from then. Chiori had heard about  U.A. having dorms. When the hero she was living with was going to his students' houses to ask for the parents' permissions for the hero in tranings to live in the dorms, a loud blonde haired hero was the one that kept an eye on her.

Chiori preferred Aizawa better since the blonde hero was extremely loud and very irritating if she must say. Today, was the day where the students will be coming to school again. Their little break from school was over. "Alright kid. We're going to U.A." Aizawa lazily and determinedly declared. Chiori covered herself with a blanket as Aizawa came closer. "Why is it necessary for me to go aswell?"

Aizawa exhaled a breath tiringly. "It's because I'm a teacher there and you are under my watch. I have to keep an eye on you." Chiori peaked out of the blanket. "I will not try to escape if you think I will. So do not force me to go to U.A. with you. I am also wearing these quirk cancelling bracelets, do you think I am strong enough to get rid of these with my own strength?"

Aizawa pulled Chiori's cover as Chiroi monotonedly deadpanned at him as she sat up. "From what I've seen, you don't have that much physical strength. You only rely on your quirk." Chiori nodded, "That is correct."

"But that doesn't mean the League Of Villains will not try to get you back, and you might just be lying and pretending to not have any physical strength, no?" Chiori tilted her head to the side, and looked at the hero cluelessly, "Do you perhaps think I am lying? Well, I am not. I only speak truth afterall."

'This kid is getting on my nerves..' "Besides, what makes you think all of you would be able to change my ways of thinking? Is it because of the fact that I am still young and that the villains might've probably manipulated me into thinking that the heroes are the actual bad ones? I will always dislike the heroes and the hero society and I will always be a vil-"

"Alright. Alright. Just get ready." Chiori crossed her arms and looked up at Aizawa with a stoic glare. "Do not try to boss me around, hero." But she got ready nevertheless.

'How did she even know we're trynna change her, anyway?' Chiori looked back, "You all are making it obvious that you are trying to do so." Aizawa raised and eyebrow at her, "Do you have another quirk or something?"

"No, I don't."

"Then how did you know what I was thinking about?"

"I simply guessed and it turned out I was right from your response." Aizawa sighed and grumbled a few things. "Okay, let's just go."


Aizawa and Chiori were seated in the underground hero's car as Aizawa drove to U.A. "Where will I be staying at?."

"You'll be staying at the dorms and will be watched by someone." Chiori crossed her arms and closed her eyes as she looked down. "I suppose I will not be getting any privacy if I keep being here with you heroes, huh?"

"I'm sure you know why, so do not complain." Chiori scoffed, "Hmph,"

As they arrive, both got out of the car, standing before the dorms Chiori will reside in. 'Tomura-san, please don't make me wait any longer. I will get sick if I have to keep staying with these heroes.'


"Tomura, you should've just told Chio-chan to kill that hero instead of just weakening him from afar!!!" A blonde haired villain yelled, pouting. "That would've hurt her and make her pass out so I didn't do it. We can't take risks on a valuable asset like her so shut up!"

Dabi chuckled, "Valuable asset? You don't only see her as an asset, and you know that." Shigaraki gritted his teeth, scratching his neck aggressively as the others gave him silence. "So, when are we getting her back?" A magician questioned, ruining the silence.

"Not now. But soon. We'll get her back."

Toga complained more, "When is soon?! What if Chio-chan is very sad right now and is suffering?? We gotta get her back now-"

"I doubt the heroes would hurt a twelve years old child. I think she will be fine by herself, and as of now, we still do not know where she is and who she may be with. It is reckless to immediately try and take her back." Kurogiri joined in on the conversation, pouring a drink into an empty glass perfectly.

A frown reached Toga's lips, "Fine, hmph," Shigaraki stopped scratching his neck, clicking his tongue as he sighed in frustration.

'Just hang on there for some more time damn brat.'


aha sorry for the short chap!!
(• ◡•), also new cover hehe<3, the one on the cover is Chiori!

Here a better pic

I forgot to draw her ears(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

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I forgot to draw her ears(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')


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