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Queue: Opus 17 by: Dustin O'Hallorn

November greeted the Highlands with brisk temperatures. Frost glazed the tops of the grass and crystallized the trees. A hidden labyrinth reemerging after it's hibernation.

The first task was approaching quickly. It was only a week after the Halloween feast. As much as Hermione could try to convince herself she was not at least charmed by Draco's smooth effort to get to know her, she was sorely mistaken. He might be sly but Hermione knew she was a step ahead. He was a champion and so was she. If they weren't, she would already be at the bottom of the rabbit-hole but instead she was resisting the pull that would swallow her whole.

To busy herself from her thoughts, Hermione practiced her strategies and techniques to get the golden egg. Each champion would have to face a dragon, retrieve the egg which holds a clue to the next task, and not die all within the span of thirty minutes. Fleur had offered her assistance to Hermione and Gabrielle. Gabrielle being the stubborn girl that she was refused her sister's help, claiming she didn't need help and that if she did she wouldn't come to her for it. Hermione accepted Fleur's offer and met her every Wednesday and on the weekends.

With her life in a state of constant chaos, Hermione found peace with her group of friends, Eloise was at Hogwarts and their little family was complete. Draco's entourage, as annoying or gentlemen-like as they could be always navigated their way toward her. It was tolerable at first but she learned that they could be quite persistent.

It was Saturday and Hermione was studying with Fleur outside. As cold as it was they needed the proper space to practice. The two girls were planted a far bit away from the greenhouses, both wearing their long black capes.

"Perfect, now try adding more flourish to the movement." Fleur commented as she flipped through the pages of a transfiguration textbook that they had read through several times before.

Hermione wasn't extremely close to Fleur but over the time they spent together she started to enjoy her company. She was a good teacher and the two were both at the same academic level.

"When do you think the champions will—"

Hermione's words were cut off by Lorenzo Berkshire and Blaise Zabini, two of Draco's many wealthy Durmstrang friends. Lorenzo reminded Hermione very much of Pierre. Blaise was one of Hermione's favorites from the group with his subtle greetings and enjoyable nature.

"Dames! Désole de déranger mais nous nous demandions—" Lorenzo was cut off.

"We can speak English perfectly well." Fleur interrupted.

No matter how many times the boys had followed Hermione around, they insisted on flaunting their French speaking.

"Yes, but it makes things ten times more interesting don't you think?" he asked with a charming smirk.

Lorenzo walked toward Fleur as Blaise motioned for her to follow him a little farther from where she was studying.

"I have something for you." Blaise said to Hermione handing her a letter.

"Well, it's not from me but I hope you can come." he added.

She took the letter from him running her fingers over the black wax stamp. A family crest of sorts was engraved into the wax. She flipped it over, big script letters spelling out H.G.

"Alright." she nodded, not knowing what the envelope of the letter enclosed.

"Thank you." Hermione kissed his cheek.

"Of course. Now the hard part will be dragging this one back to castle. He can't walk within a couple feet near someone without flirting with them." he laughed as they turned to see Lorenzo who seemed to be in a deep conversation with Fleur.

"I will hopefully see you later." Blaise said.

With one last smile and goodbye, he left with Lorenzo. Hermione sighed looking down at the extravagant envelope as she walked back to Fleur.

"Do you know what is in the letter?" Fleur asked poorly trying to hide giggles, which confused Hermione.

"No, do you know?" Hermione questioned.

"I might." Fleur answered as she started packing up her books.

"Let's go back to the carriage."

When the girls got to the carriage and parted ways to go to their own shared rooms, Hermione shut the door to her room her breathe uneven. She was still holding the letter, walking over to the desk and searching for her letter opener. Carefully, Hermione broke the seal of the wax, inside the envelope was a folded letter with a thin back velvet ribbon tied around it in a bow along with a ticket. First she took out the letter making sure to gently untie the ribbon. When the letter was unfolded, her eyes were greeted with beautiful black script.

Dear Hermione,

I see now how formal this must look...

        I understand we don't know each other as much as we could if things were different, as well as why you might decline my offer due to our position but I must ask anyway. When I first found out about the tournament my friends and I had a tickets scheduled for the Opera which happens to be tonight. Would you like to go to the Opera? If so, I will come to your carriage at 8:30 to pick you up. Blaise, Theo, Mattheo, and Lorenzo will be coming as well.

                                                          - D.M.

An overwhelming amount nerves and excitement clouded Hermione's mind. Before she could rethink her decision she grabbed a piece of parchment, her quill, and an inkwell.

Dear Draco,

        I will see you at 8:30...

                                                       - H.G.

She sealed the envelope with her light blue Beauxbaton wax stamp. She then went to the window and handed it to her owl. When the owl was out of her sight she felt as if she made the best and worst decision of her life. Putting on her cape and leaving the carriage, Hermione ran all the way to Eloise's vehicles. She only had to knock once for the door to the van to open.

"Mione!" Eloise gasped looking at the girl's distressed appearance.

"Hermione?" she could hear Pierre's voice coming from the inside.

"I need advice."

"Something I am best at." Eloise motioned for her to come inside.

"What happened?" Pierre asked, he could sense something had happened.

"Draco. He sent me a letter, asking me to go the Opera with him tonight." she breathed.


"Well, what did you say?" Pierre asked, concerned that Hermione's better judgment got the better of her this time.

"I said yes." she sighed, plopping down on one of Eloise's chairs.

Immediately after those words left her mouth gasps were heard from the two.

"Who are you and what did you do with Hermione Granger?"

"What about the newspapers? What if they see two champions together, they will immediately assume something is going on."

"No need to worry. We will make sure you go incognito." Eloise with a reassuring smile.

In only a couple of hours Hermione would be giving the people something to talk of.

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