ℭ𝔥. 7

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As the week continued, Hermione gained knowledge of the blonde boy, now known as "Malfoy." He was a champion.

It was a chilly Friday afternoon and Hermione was leaving her last class of the day. As she walked down the corridor she heard a voice call her from farther down.


Some part of her hope it was gray-eyed Malfoy but it was familiar voice a feminine one.

She turned around, not expecting a certain golden haired beauty.

"Eloise!" Hermione rushed down the hall and they kissed each other on both cheeks.

"Pierre never said you were coming!" a smile never leaving her lips.

"Well, I have my way around..." she smirked.

"He doesn't know I'm here. I'm going to surprise him at the Halloween feast." she added.

"He will faint when he sees you." Hermione said.

"I've missed you all so much! I couldn't wait any longer."

When Pierre and Eloise first got together, Pierre immediately introduced her to Hermione. From that moment on the girls formed a bond.

"Now tell me all about that blonde boy from Durmstrang."

"How do you know about that?" Hermione asked quickly.

"A little birdie." she winked.

Hermione just about to tell Eloise about everything until she caught sight of Pierre strutting down the hallway. He was looking around in a peculiar way that made Eloise look at him as if he were insane. However, Hermione could see the love Eloise had for Pierre, wanting to run to him and kiss him until they were out of breath.

"Hide!" Hermione whispered, pushing Eloise through the closest door.

"Ready to not, here I come, Charles." she heard him yell.

As Eloise stepped further she soon realized that she was not alone.

"Ellie?!" a voice said crawling out from underneath a desk.

"Charles? What are doing?" she questioned.

"I'm playing hide and seek with Pierre, he's been restless with out you. He's clearly desperate for distraction if he playing hide and seek."

"Well, it's nice to know he not cheating on me. He has always been like an incredibly tall child, hasn't he?." she sighed with a smile.

"I suppose so." Charles chuckled.

"How long have you been in here?"

"Hours." he said. "By now, I wager he has searched the whole school twice. You can obviously tell who the smarter brother is."

"I'll have you know that we read muggle literature on the rooftop of the shop when he visits Paris." she defended. "He has also taken to playing the piano, especially Liszt."

"Please spare me the details of your romantic rendezvous." he cringed.

"You can come out now." Hermione whispered from the doorway.

She was leaning against the wall her book open and covering her face. Eloise walked toward her, signaling for Charles to follow her.

"He will figure it out, he's more intelligent than you think, Charles." she hummed.

The three walked through the halls and to the carriage before dinner.

"How did you get here?" Charles asked.

"Funny little story actually..." she started.

"I brought my flying car. The Porsche 1965 that is. And I may have come bearing gifts."

"And...I brought my entourage of seamstresses, designers, stylists, etcetera." she added, waving her hand nonchalantly.

"Are coming to dinner?" Hermione asked, knowing that Pierre would spot her the minute she walked in.

"No, I have that covered." she answered smugly.

"Let me guess, you bright your personal chef from the shop's café." Hermione caught on.

"Maybe... Anyways, you, mes amis have to go to dinner. I will fond you tomorrow before ma moitié finds me." Eloise said as she walked of the dorm with a wave.

Not long after Eloise's exit, Hermione and Charles left the carriage for dinner in the great hall. When they arrived Hermione spotted Pierre sitting at the table they sat at for the past week. He was reading Emma - the French version considering it was his first language, of course the boy was reading about a clever matchmaker. He looked like a pouting child reading his book, which made Charles and Hermione roll their eyes. When they sat down at the table, Pierre looked up from his book with a scowl.

"You left me walking around the school like an idiot." Pierre stated, looking back at his book.

"No need to be dramatic, if anything I should be the one complaining. I had to sit in a classroom for hours until E—" Charles was interrupted by Hermione clearing her throat before he could say Eloise's name.

"Look!" she whispered, signaling to the doorway.

To their surprise, Pansy was leaning against the farthest wall with a boy. He was not just any boy, he was one of the Durmstrang boys who was friends with the Malfoy. He had sandy brown hair and blue hooded eyes. They were whispering together while sharing a cigarette. Hermione knew that Pansy was a very private person and it seemed that she didn't want to be seen.

"Oh. Mon. Dieu." was all Pierre could say.

"Don't you dare say anything about this to her!" Hermione threatened.

"She will tell us when she is ready." she added calmly.

"All she needs is a discreet little push from me and they will be madly in love." Pierre said, his mood uplifted since the dramatics.

"If you ruin what they have right now you will be in trouble, brother..." Charles reminded.

"We all know what Pansy is like when she goes mad..."

When Pansy finished her little tête-à-tête she strutted her way toward the table and sat down next to Hermione. She could tell Pansy applied perfume after the cigarette, trying to hide her giddiness, she loaded her plate with food. Pierre took a sip from his water trying not to laugh at the situation. Charles was just amused.

"So Hermione, I have gained information on the Draco Malfoy boy." Pansy informed with her classic smirk.

A/N: Lots of things are coming in the next chapter... <3

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