Aftermath (Halloween pt. 2)

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Hey guys! Short chapter (but will have you running laps) ;)

Sorry about the late update, school is hard. 

Enjoy :) - A


You woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring in your ears, words could not describe the headache that pounded against your skull. 

"Holy hell," You murmured as you slapped your clock that laid on your bedside table, it shut up with a squeak. You fell back face-first into the pillow, internally screaming, the light that poured through your curtains made your eyes sensitive, and your ankles stung from being in the heels you wore. 

You kept your eyes closed as you rolled out of bed, shielding your face from the sun as you wandered into the bathroom. You burst out laughing but stopped yourself as you felt yourself gag from the alcohol last night. Your face resembled something like a glittery raccoon, wide black smudges around your eyes with flecks of glitter all over, you wore just a long t-shirt, you don't remember where you put your costume last night. 

"Yikes," You whispered to yourself, ripping a makeup wipe from the pack and going to town, trying your best to get all of the residues off before facing your parents downstairs. It took almost 4 wipes for your face to be completely clear again, your cheeks stung red from the vicious rubbing. You sighed as you looked in the mirror again, you felt sick, your head was pounding, and... everything you just forget came rushing back. 

The image of Eren's guilty face popped into your brain, you cringed while thinking about it, almost shivering from the thought. 

You sauntered back to your room, taking a sip from a water bottle you left on your nightstand. You looked at your phone instinctively but cursed under your breath once you saw the notifications. About 35 from Sasha, 72 from Mikasa, and 15 from Eren. 

You first texted your girls back, saying how you were fine and at home, and sending a selfie for reassurance. 

You hesitated when opening up his text, but you bit the inside of your cheek and did it anyway. 

Most of the stuff he sent was ineligible, he must've been drunk or high, but you could make out of few words -- cen wr tqlj? = can we talk? and a string of "sorry's" and "I'm so sorry's" 

You took a breath, and responded, "come over later" with nothing else. You weren't sure about what to do, you were absolutely and positively in love with him -- and you couldn't even hide it from him anymore, but you didn't wanna be used -- not by him and not like that. 

"Y/n!" you heard a voice from downstairs call, it was your Dad. 

You bit your lip and turned off your phone before heading downstairs, slipping on pajama bottoms and slippers while getting down the stairs. 

"Have a good night?" He asked, a bit quieter than usual, you could tell your Mom had something to say to you. 

"It was pretty good, yeah," You whispered back, instinctively crossing your arms as you made your way into the kitchen. 

Your Mom was standing against the kitchen island, reading something off of her computer. You sat down at the Dining room table, it was right across from her, you didn't have the strength to do this -- not now, with everything going on. 

"Your first-quarter grades came out," she said to you, you felt your heart race. 

"You were able to keep your GPA, which I didn't expect," She added, you almost rolled your eyes, but you had to keep yourself in check. "But, what I saw in Ackerman's report card was the most jarring, it says here that 'you work well with your lab partner Eren Jaeger'" You internally cursed. "That's weird," She said, "I thought I told you he was a bad influence," 

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