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> BL and Straight relationships are alright. My characters are all guys since it's a coping mechanism </3

> Chapters that are titled with ALL-CAPS indicate CHARACTERS ONLY. Chapters that are titled with lowercase letters indicate Author's Notes and other important messages!



Hello! this is my first roleplay book - it consists of my own characters with scenarios i've made up for them! Though, before you could submit your form - Let's do a quick round of rules and possibly notes because why not?


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1. To avoid this book from being reported and/or shut down, please refrain from swearing or dropping some inappropriate content. I'm alright with swearing and the such as long as it's through pms - the safest way to roleplay without wattpad being annoying.

2. I prefer roleplaying though pms since it's a lot more easier to keep track of. If you're looking forward to roleplay in this book, I'm afraid I won't be able to roleplay with you.

3. Don't make your character overpowered. I guess this is a given but at least include 2 or 3 flaws with your character. Human or not, everything and everyone makes mistakes and experiences different types of difficulties in existing.

4. Please wait. whether this is for accepting forms or replies - please know that I have a life outside this app. You may check my status or what I'm up to at my bio - I'll be updating it frequently. If I do not respond in 3 hours and my status is active, you may call my attention through pms.

5. Lengths? Please at least give me 4 or more sentences. The maximum isn't specified as you can go how long you'd want it to be. Make sure to be descriptive as well - though not too descriptive with every single second of the visualized roleplay (yk what i mean)

6. Roleplay in third person. If you're describing your character's thoughts, it's alright to use 'I' pronouns as long as it has an indicator that it's a thought.

7. Grammar! I'm not great with grammar as well but please... please have efforts with double-checking your replies to avoid typos and wrong grammar. I do have some errors with my response from time-to-time but it's the thought that counts.

8. Always ask before roleplaying - a simple "may i?" would do ^^

9. Smut. I'm okay with smut but don't make the whole plot revolve around this. In my opinion, it doesn't contribute a lot to the story so if you wish to skip it - inform me and we'll do a timeskip.

10. Stay in character. I understand how the character may change due to the plot but as much as possible, please stay in character.

11. Age differences are alright with me but it has a max of 6 years older and 3 years younger. If my character is 16-18, obviously your character has to be the same age... or jail

12. Don't control my characters - pretty self explanatory if you ask me. Also, don't hate me, hate the character (if ever intense stuff happen)

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1. Just to clarify - there are intense characters here that may include abusë or mental illnesses. There is no way that I romanticize or will glamorize them - romantic roleplays for those won't happen as it's more of a stockholm syndrome situation. Take plots or scenarios like those in a light that does not portray romance. Sure, our characters may seem in-love but they probably just need help. Anyhow, I'll specify which characters are directed for romantic purposes.

2. Before submitting your form, you may check through all the characters and see if any of them interests you. That way, you could modify your character to make our roleplays a little more interesting.

3. If you're planning to give our roleplay a stop since it's boring or for whatever reason - please do tell me! I don't like being left hanging and I'll tell you if I feel like there's things we can incorporate more to our story to make it beneficial for both sides.

4. I will be listing down notes for every character - important things that affects the story overall. Do note that I have characters that may be intentionally for non-romantic purposes. Password one: Tell me things that you don't find comfortable when roleplaying - this should be attached at the bottom of your form by the next page. I believe that not all roleplay characters are for romantic purposes only.

5. You are allowed to tag me to your own character books - as long as the details that I mainly require are there. The form will not be long. Password two: pm me your favorite anime and why. You don't have to ask for permission to tag me :)

8. You may talk to me through //[input message] or ([input message])! I don't mind having casual conversations with you while roleplaying :)

9. I will be providing scenarios. If you don't like them - you can make your own. I will also be indicating if the character is closed (too much people are roleplaying with them but i doubt that it'll happen)

10. If my character's sexuality is homoromantic/sexual, do not apply your opposite gender character unless you'd like a fully platonic roleplay.

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I had a strict tone with the rules and the notes since I just wanted to ensure that you won't be taking it as a grain of salt. I consider myself as a nice person so I hope you don't find me scary ^^;; This is completely optional, however you may tag someone who'd appreciate this book ^^

That is all, traveler! I hope you read each rule and note carefully. See you by the forms :D

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