Chapter 1: the day begins

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Chapter 1

Casie Lou, the shy girl is sitting in class when her class mates come in. I see Jason come in and he sits beside me, he smiles at me as I smile back awkwardly. I never expected this to happen to me at this time. 

He has been my best friend since we where younger, we have so many memories and we did everything together. We are in college now and we are glad to be on the same classes. I am glad about this and I am happy.

Lately I've been getting weird texts from an unknown number saying ' end your friendship with Jason'. I look around me and I see Jason and I pull him to the side. I show him the text and he walks up to his group of friends beating them one by one. We both have to go to the nurses office when she looks after Jason for me when I am in class but she told me to say with him. Jason sits up slowly when growing, I walk up to him and I see that he is hurt. He then calls me baby, I look at him and I smile at him. As I am looking at him he kisses me on the lips, wow he is so gentle.

That day in our dorm room, he lays on the bed and as I am walking over I am in my shorts and my short sleeve top. He hugs me as I wisher in his ear ' I love you and your hugs'.  He laughs and puts me onto the bed and starts going rough with me. I start to wonder, is this a new start for us. Are we more than best of, we act like a couple because what he done today was the best thing I've ever seen anyone do to the bullies, who sent me that text message. I'm glad he makes me happy and I am glad he called me baby. He is the best friend I've ever had in my whole life he makes me smile and laugh a lot. He is always there for people when they want him to be and he also helps alot

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