Hizashi, who sat next to Shouta giggled as he refilled Shouta's glass before filling his own.

"Like some?" Hizashi asked Keigo.

Keigo, with wide eyes, hesitated. He'd never drank alcohol before, per the Commission's instruction. They wanted to make sure he was always on call, so that meant no drinking whatsoever. They, of course, couldn't have their carefully crafted creation in a state of mind that they couldn't control.  

Fear coursed through his body, but still, he nodded.

He was an adult, he knew this. I mean, brushing off the small jokes from the hospital, he was. That's how the other adults treated him, that's how Eli treated him. 

This was allowed, right? 

Eli looked at him and chuckled softly before offering him an encouraging smile. Keigo's cheeks twinged pink. He found himself blushing more often when he got there, mostly because Eli's hair was now clipped at the back of her head meaning her face was a lot more visible. 

Blushing aside, he also found himself trying not to stare at the beauty beside him. 

Eli on the other hand had the pleasure of seeing a shirtless Takami Keigo after he'd showered. It was completely unintentional by the way, she was just going to lay out some clothes for the guy and was going to get out and go start dinner. 

But no, the door to the bathroom happened to be cracked and when she went to drop the clothes off, she'd seen his lean physique through it. 

After gathering her eyes that bulged at the sight, she scrambled to get her shit together and was out of the door, shouting a quick 'clothes are on the bed!' before she entered the kitchen, joining a confused Fuyumi who'd arrived early to help, all flustered like. 

"Well, I don't know if they're easier. Kids are kids, but they are a lot more... gross," Fuyumi said scrunching up her nose. Natsuo nodded his head with agreement.

"Yeah, one time I dropped off her lunch and one of the kids sneezed into his hand and then got up and rummaged through the crayon bin for like 5 minutes," Natsuo said with a look of disgust.

Keigo eyes the wine in his glass, before shrugging and taking a sip. It tasted a bit bitter, but it had a sweet twinge to it. Hizashi told him it was mango.

He watched as they all conversed rather easily, taking sips of wine here and there, and how the conversations between the two groups flowed rather easily. He glanced at Eli, their eyes meeting only briefly, only for both of them to play it off as 'scanning the room'. 

"No Himi, you know I can't eat that much sugar, so why would I put it on rice?" Eli said shaking her head lightly, as she cast her eyes over to Himiko smoothly, thanking the Gods above and below for her skin tone. 

Truth be told she'd felt a little weird after seeing Keigo like that. She'd only felt this weird thing with one other person and it was starting to make her feel odd. 

Keigo brushed off a blush as he shifted in his seat and found himself sinking into his chair as he grew more and more comfortable after shaking off whatever that was with Eli. 

He even had on normal clothes!

Eli lent him some sweats and a shirt, and that's mostly what the others wore as well since they all just wanted to relax since they had just got off from work/got out of school.

He smiled to himself, he was feeling rather giddy honestly. 

He'd never been to a family dinner, and the closest thing he got to it was when he and Tokoyami went out for fried chicken at 2 am after a late-night patrol. 

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