Chapter 2: Prepare

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Chuuya let out a deep sigh as he drank the last drop of the tea while his hands moved to sign the last paper much more messy than the first one he signed hours ago, making his head flop onto his desk. "Finally.." He groaned quietly before closing his eyes just for the blink of an eye, reminding himself of the fact that he wasn't done yet. The executive finally stood up and fixed his rather messy and exhausted appearance as best as he could before taking a few pages of the papers he had to sign and read through. 'Time to give Akutagawa a visit.' Chuuya thought while his eyes glanced at the time, 6am, around that time that guy should arrive here, perfect timing.

The floors were quiet as Chuuya opened the door, only the sound of his dark shoes hitting the laminate floor were hearable while he made his way through the building. His eyes wandered across the stonewalls of the house with some rather old pictures of mafia members, or just random paintings, even until this day his eyes still hung onto the picture where ex-member Dazai was also shown, just for a second. The resinous scent of the wooden floor mixed with the smell of musty earth from the stonewall filled the floor. It was the usual smell of the building and nothing strong, still something which is easily recognized. His eyes stuck on a door, it seemed to be the same door every office had, the only difference was the black name tag which showed the name: 'Akutagawa Ryūnosuke' with white letters written on it.

A short knock onto the door and without waiting for an answer he entered the office. It wasn't locked which meant Akutagawa was already here and was confirmed as soon as he saw the man reading through a paper which seemed to be a mission he had to go off soon. "Good that I got to see you before going off, I have to talk to you about something real quick" Chuuya spoke while slamming the papers onto the darkwood desk. "Maki Futugava, you and I will participate in this mission, make sure to read through everything carefully, we'll talk about this further tomorrow, come into my office around 8pm." Chuuya said simply in his harsh voice, while the dark haired male glanced up from his papers, "Why does the newbie come with us on such an important mission?" He asked, making Chuuya shrugg, "I'll explain it further tomorrow. We'll make our plans then, make sure to plan around 2-3 hours for this." Chuuya spoke while he left the office as sudden as he entered it. The only thing he did before leaving the building, was to place a copy of the instructions of the mission into the compartment which belonged to Maki, so she could be informed about the meeting tomorrow and the first information.

That was all he had to do, now he was finished for today, lucky him. The ginger haired male quietly sighted as he left the Port Mafia headquarter. The sun was already rising while the whole city was painted in various orange shades, fog covering the busy streets of the early morning. He didn't pay any kind of attention to his surroundings while he walked out of the alley, he surely was glad to get his mind off his work for now. His steps brought him down the street, getting lost in his mind until he heard a pair of familiar voices. "Ah, you're really getting all worked up because of this, eh Atsushi?" "Can't you shut your mouth for now? W-We got work to do-!" The teasing voice of his former co-worker, also known as the suicidal maniac Dazai, and the one of the white haired boy which recently appeared were able to be heard, which made Chuuyas head peek up, only to spot Dazai with the white tiger. What a great time to end work, only to see them. Chuuyas face twitched in annoyance as his hands found their way into his pocket, turning left into the alleyway, he really had no nerves left to deal with anyone of this kind, he got three hours of sleep in the last two days and spent various hours working in his goddamn office. Surely he was in no condition to handle this guy now.

Chuuya was glad once the voices got quieter, and the usual city sounds surrounded him, no voice which was worth to be recognized around. Yeah, Chuuya still felt nothing but hatred for his former co-worker, and it annoyed him even more that he had this more than awkward dream earlier, like, what the actual fuck was that after all?

With a sigh he could only hope the next mission would end well. A party which is organized by the government for who knows what noble people, how should they sneak into it without being spotted? "Geez, this'll be more work than I thought at first." The male mumbled to himself, while his eyes wandered across the alley. He'll have to hope that Akutagawa and Maki can come up with some new ideas. 'We could try to sneak in without being spotted...nah too difficult,the place has a security system which we can't afford to look into further, there's not enough time for that. It'd be too much of a risk.' He thought while rubbing his eyes with a quiet yawn, Chuuya should really get some sleep first, he can't even think clearly.

The ginger entered the big building, his small apartment was inside. He started walking the stonestairs up, walking through the small floor until he ended on the end of the fourth floor. Fiddling his keys out of his pocket he unlocked the lock and entered his sweet home. Quietly sighting at the comfortable warmth of his apartment, he put his hat and jacket onto the holder on the side of the small floor, entering his rather modern looking bathroom without hesitating. Yeah, a hot shower on a cold autumn day is always the best to relieve some stress, isn't it? Getting rid of his clothes he's always wearing for his work, he stepped into the shower, turning the hot water on, letting his mind wander. The last weeks drained most of the young man's energy, weeks with not more than a few hours of sleep had passed, much of work and missions behind him and a smaller hideout of the Port Mafia was destroyed due an accident with the Armed Detective Agency, wow how perfect all this weeks went, hah? The rest of this day Chuuya had some luck and unless an emergency would happen he'll have the rest of the day off, he'll most likely spend it in bed though, to catch up on his sleep.

Turning the water off, he took his soap and washed himself quickly, before washing the soap off and leaving the shower. Drying his body and hair a bit off and wrapping it around his torso, before he made his way into his bedroom, letting the clothes just lay messy on the floor. Once arrived in his small room, he put the towel aside and took a pair of black boxers and a dark red hoodie out of the closet to put it on.

And with that he was done, with his face first he let himself drop into his bed, not worrying the slightest about his wet hair, or the chance of getting sick. Wrapping himself into his blanket before slowly drifting to sleep, knowing very well that he'll have literally nothing of his day off, having to plan everything for the next mission well. With these thoughts, the ginger haired male fell to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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