Start from the beginning

I realized after I said it that I slipped up a little bit. Clay knows I couldn't possibly make that much money from the bakery, but he doesn't ask about it.

"I just really miss him is all." I finally say.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, y/n. I wish I could take some of your pain away, I really do."

"It's all good. I just needed to let that out. Sorry for the mental breakdown right there."

"Don't apologize for that. You needed to let it out. I'm glad you had someone there for you."
"Thank you for being that someone."

We rode back in silence. He lets me think through some things.

We walk up to our apartments. "Thanks again," I say as we reach my door.

"Anytime, do you-" his phone starts to ring, "ugh,"

"What's wrong?" I laugh a little at the way he said 'ugh'.

"I have to take this, ugh, I'm sorry." I laugh at the way he said it again. He steps away for a moment. Holding up his finger to say it'll only be a minute.

"Hi what's up?" he says.

He waits for a moment. "Okay, give me a little bit of time. I'll join in a bit."

The other person talks again. "No, Qu-, no, I'm not."

"No, shut up or I'm not coming at all."

"Okay bye,"

He turns to me. "Sorry."

I laugh. "Do you have somewhere to be?"

"No, not really. Do you want to hang out some more?" he asks.

I really want to say yes, but I don't want to seem too needy to have someone to talk to. "No, I think I'm just going to get in my pajamas and do nothing the rest of the night." I laugh at how silly that sounds.

He chuckles. "Okay, call me if you need anything."

I nod before saying goodbye.

I check my discord once I've changed into my sweats. I see a notification from Quackity.



Hey I'm streaming if you want to join at any time tonight!


Sounds fun! Give me like five minutes!

I turn my PC on to join. It took less than five minutes.

"Hey guys!" I say as I join, hoping they're not being super crazy tonight. I'm not feeling totally with it today.

"Hey Storm! We're making a song with chat!" Quackity say.

"Oh okay cool,"

They continue the stream for five minutes before Dream arrives. Not the person I wanted to see, but I'll have to live with it.

"Where were you Dream? You sounded busy before?" George asks.

"Are you jealous, George?" I ask him.

"No, I'm just curious."

"I had just gotten home. I needed to eat something first." He says.

"Where were you though." Quackity joins in.

"Just in the car. Drop it guys." Dream sounds a little pissed.

Usually I'd say that he's annoying for just not going with the bit, but today I have sympathy for him. I know it can be hard to go through something then have to show up to stream. It can be really hard, especially when you don't put your whole life on the internet.

The boys drop it and continue the song. I think the viewers can see that Dream and I are both not entirely with it.

After the stream, I scroll through twitter.

Dream @dreamwastaken

Today I donated to cancer research. I have a lot of empathy for those who have been affected by cancer, whether that is patients or loved ones. Please give your friends and family a big hug for me today <3

What a crazy coincidence. I don't reply to the tweet, but I go straight to his dms.



Thank you so much for donating to cancer research. As someone who has lost a loved one from cancer, it truly means a lot.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have many friends who have to go through so much because of it. I really want to help those who are affected.

I smile at the messages. Maybe I should give him a chance. He seems like a good person.


that chapter was really hard to write ngl.. i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

have a good day <3


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