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I didn’t like the routine Calum and I had stuck to, and that is unusual seeing as I live off routine. Very rarely do I like to change it, it's comfortable to be in a routine. But now I wanted something different, I was sick of Calum appearing when I was alone in my room, I wanted to see him in the sunlight, not a dimly lit room. Maybe he is like Edward Cullen, sparkled in the sunlight. That was ridiculous though, he's a demon, not a pansy vampire. Wait, are vampires real?

"Calum" I sighed hoping he was there watching over me.

"Come out Cal, I want to play" I said laughing at how suggestive that sounded.

The atmosphere in the room changed and Calum appeared beside me. "What game?" He asked  a smirk on his face.

"I was thinking maybe eye spy?" I asked and his face instantly dropped. "I guess so" he sighed laying down so he was looking up at my ceiling. "Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with V" He said tapping his fingers on his stomach in a rhythmic pattern.

I positioned myself beside him. "Velocity shoes" I asked and Calum let out a frustrated sigh. "Are there any velocity shoes in your room V-ictoria?" He asked putting emphasis on the V in my name which gave it away.

"Me!" I cheered and he nodded. "But you aren't looking at me" I added confused.

Calum chuckled. "I'm always looking at you baby"


There was a pause before Calum answered. "To make sure you are safe" That was all I needed to completely fall for this demon I knew nothing about. The fact that he cared enough to dedicate his life into keeping me safe was somewhat calming. It made me feel happy, excited, scared and at ease.

I slowly wrapped my arm around Calum's gently entwining his hand with mine. I tried to ignore the pain, maybe Calum was right when he said I would get used to it. But it felt right, being with him so close, even if there were some complications.

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked and he nodded taking his focus off the ceiling and our joined hands.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow"

Calum seemed to stiffen and let go of my hand getting up. "I'm not sure if that is a good idea"

I frowned, I knew he wouldn’t, he is supposed to be a secret, but it didn’t stop me from trying to persuade him any further. "I guess I'll ask Michael then"

That seemed to get his attention "Tomorrow at 6 ill pick you up" He quickly rushed a stern look on his face.

1 point to Victoria, 0 to Demon boy.


Why is it such a small chapter you may ask?

Answer: idk

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