"You have appointments this late at night?" Giulia asked, knitting her eyes brows in confusion.

Then the door to the office opened, and a strikingly beautiful woman peeked in.

"Doctor Romano?"

"Ah yes, Talia, I am on my way."

Giulia stared at the gorgeous woman, then back at Mattias. He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Well.... then if you'll excuse me." He said and pushed past Giulia and disappeared down the hall.

She stood blank-faced for a moment and then broke into a run, flying out of the hospital doors. She raced all the way home, ripped the door open, and flung herself into her bedroom.

He had a woman there! And not just any woman, a supermodel! Was she even really a nurse? Suddenly Giulia realized just what kind of nurse Talia might be. She punched her pillow angrily.

"Mattias, you stupid jerk. How many pretty assistants do you have anyway?"

She flopped on her back, telling herself that she didn't care. But as she fell asleep, she knew that wasn't true.

Luca POV

Luca sat, blushing wildly as Alberto teased him. His insides felt like they were full of butterfly wings.

"Haven't you kissed anybody before?" Alberto asked.

Luca couldn't stop the blood rushing to his face. Of course, he hadn't! While in Geneva, he spent most of his time with his nose in a book. And even in the few moments he spent time with classmates, most were too nervous about approaching him. He was the first Sireni they had seen, after all.

Never once had anyone approached him in that way.

"I haven't!" Luca admitted, feeling embarrassed to have it brought up. Then a thought hit his head, making all the butterfly's in his stomach die.

"Have you... you know kissed anyone?" He asked, the words heavy in his mouth.

Alberto hesitated and thought for a moment.

"Kinda." He finally answered.

Luca's heart fell to his stomach. That wasn't a direct No. One after another, pictures of Alberto with a beautiful young girl, holding hands and kissing, flashed in his mind.

He tried his best to fight back tears. But what were these tears even for? Was he jealous? Yes. He knew he was. But why? Didn't he understand how wrong it was for him to have these feelings for another man? Let alone his best friend?

Luca was so lost in his miserable train of thought that he almost missed what Alberto said next.

"I could.. show you if you'd like," Alberto said, leaning back on one hand in a casual way.

Luca couldn't believe what he was hearing. Here!? Now!?

"You know what they say. Practice makes perfect. If you wanted to try... I wouldn't mind showing you."

Luca didn't understand what was happening. What did this mean? Was it just.... practice? Was it possible to kiss someone without feeling anything? Did people do that?

But Luca couldn't deny the temptation was there. His heart raced at the mere thought. He wanted to even while knowing it was wrong. A part of him wanted to give in to these feelings that he knew would eventually hurt him.

"Sure. I-I'll try it. With you." Luca said, his brain already whirring.

Alberto turned him around, his strong arms lifting his legs easily. Luca felt every place where his fingers met his skin burn. Luca squeezed his hands to his chest, trying to force his heart into a slow, steady rhythm. But it was impossible.

Storm and Sea - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now