Chapter 6

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TW in the Description!
Thank you to mindie_arts on Instagram for the art!

Alberto POV

Alberto stayed up all night waiting for Giulia to come home. He sat at the dinner table, drinking his second cup of coffee, hands in his head.

"What have I done?" He thought.

Just after midnight, he heard the front door creak open. Giulia came tiptoeing inside. Alberto shot up.

"Giulia, I -"

She held up her hand. "I won't say anything."

Alberto's shoulders relaxed.

"But," She added. "You have to do something about it." And with no explanation, she left her room.

"What does she mean I have to do something about it?" He thought. "Does she want me to tell Luca how I feel?" Alberto shuddered at the thought.

What if Luca turned him away the way he had to Giulia? What if he said he didn't see Alberto that way? Alberto wasn't sure he could bounce back to being friends the way Giulia could. If that happened, he would lose his best friend.

He just couldn't do it. He couldn't risk losing everything.

The next two weeks went by uneventfully. Giulia kept her promise and hadn't said anything about their conversation. But she did sneak him meaningful looks across the living room when they all sat to watch TV.

Alberto was able to take the brace off his wrist and continue his day job at the Pisceria. He didn't want to start a fishing contract with any fisherman. It would mean that he would be at sea for several weeks. He didn't want to be gone that long. Not right now.

Luca had taken to re-reading his old school books. He confessed to Alberto one evening that he was building a curriculum for elementary students and that he aspired to open a beginners school here in Portorosso.

"Luca, that's an amazing idea!" Alberto shouted. They sat in their hideout, the night sky dark above them. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Luca shrugged. "I didn't know where to begin on something like that. But it turns out I only have to register and apply for a license with Portorosso, and I can teach here!"

They joked and fantasized about what Luca would look like in front of a chalkboard. Alberto suggested that he teach a class on marine animals. Alberto could even go into the ocean and bring back examples to show the class. They laughed and joked until Luca's bedroom window opened and Giulia climbed out to join them.

The first few days after Giulia's confession were uncomfortable. But Alberto was surprised at how quickly the pair bounced back and regained their old friendship. This made him glad. Despite his jealousy at the time, he didn't like seeing Giulia hurt. She was his sister, after all.

Early one morning, the four of them all sat at the table sipping espresso and eating onion bagels. The Pisceria was closed, so it was one of those rare breakfasts when Massimo joined them. He sat reading the paper while the three talked of their plans for the day. Luca planned to visit his parents while Alberto and Giulia thought to go hunting for shellfish on the beach.

Suddenly the door burst open, making the younger three jump. An old fisherman by the name of Dracamo came running in, his face set in a panic. Alberto knew Dracamo. He had come on extended sea excursions with him and his crew several times. He and Massimo were good friends.

"Massimo! Have you heard the news?" He came, holding his own copy of the paper.

Massimo grunted. "I am reading about it right now." He set the paper down, pointing to an article on the front page.

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