The Counter-Attack

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An angel was roving in the spirit realm of Nations Arise Church, when suddenly he saw a demon who slipped through their guard and whispering to an audience member, who happened to be Miguel Mangubat. 

He immediately stormed towards the demon and impaled it with his sword. The demon begged for mercy, "Oh no, angel of the Most High, please spare me! I just want to have fun with the man Miguel Mangubat!"

The angel told him, "Silence! Let the man listen to the redeeming message of our Lord Jesus Christ, and may it allow him to decide to receive Him!"

The demon went away from the church building in fear.

Meanwhile, as Tabby goes to the church clinic, Dr. Earl Komar approaches her.

"Doc Earl, I think I'm sick or something. I hear buzzing sounds and they're so painful!", exclaimed Tabby.

"Alright, Tabitha, come into the clinic and let's check your ears," said Dr. Earl.

Inside the clinic, Dr. Earl took an otoscope to see inside Tabby's ear.

"Your ears seem normal: no earwax buildup, no damage to the ear canal, no damage to your ear drum," said Dr. Earl.

"But why am I hearing things?!", cried Tabby.

As Dr. Earl removed his otoscope, and looked behind, he saw the hideous-looking female demon that looked like an ugly woman with black skin and sharp teeth. 

"Hush, my dear! I am commanded to disturb Tabitha Changco! She is a pretty little girl who just loves God, but we won't allow her to.", the demon said.

Dr. Earl feel down in shock, but then he was determined to impose the authority of God to her.


The demon shouted, "No! I don't wanna hear that man's name! Get away from me!" She fled away from the clinic.

Meanwhile, the male demon whom the angel banished earlier gathered all demons in the chuch lobby who were waiting outside. 

"Comrades, I was almost done with my mission with the man Miguel Mangubat. As we have commanded to destroy him, let us do a forceful attack!", told the demon to his companions.

Then, the female demon whom Dr. Komar disturbed, came to report what happened to her.

"Comrades, I bothered little Tabitha, that girl I was commanded to disturb, but I was attacked by that piece of crap doctor who banished me in the name of the Son of God!", she complained, "and now they might avenge the man we are supposed to attack."

"You're right," the male demon said, "let's gather up the pulpit and awaken our lord Alexander!"

There they headed towards the church pulpit.

Meanwhile, now unblinded spiritually, Miguel was then able to clearly listen to Pastor Kevin's message.

Pastor Kevin read 1st Peter chapter 4 and verses 7 and 8:

"The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. 

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."*

As Miguel heard the word "love", this word resonated through his mind, realizing that it was love that can rescue him from the wrongs that he has done. As this word absorbed his mind being, Alexander was surprised at how the surroundings of Miguel's mind became instantly bright, colorful bands of light swirl through the place. But the manananggal was still filled with anger and rage that he wanted to get out.

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