It's way to much work to do this

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The next chapter

There! This is what you wanted, this is what you got!

Fine! You win!

I snuck around and luckily no one saw me, and I was out of the barrier.

     For the past few weeks I have been wandering around, now I'm finally ready to see my mom in person. The last time I IMed her (Percy! The gods can track you offa dat!) she had just given birth to my baby sister Estelle. I had just gotten to the apartment when I noticed something strange, it smelled strangely of death… I wondered why and entered anyway. I immediately saw Thanatos in the hallway and knew nothing good had happened.
     “Wh-why are you here?” I asked hesitantly. “Are they…” I trailed off, not wanting to finish my sentence. (She dead, dead like yo mama. Perce: But she is my Momma! Me: Exactly.)
     “They died Perseus (When I wrote this autocorrect tried to tell me Perseus died… let’s just say I got a new autocorrect. Never mind, new autocorrect tried to tell me they killed Perseus… who needs autocorrect anyways!).” He said. (Rather blunt are you.)
     “Even Estelle?” I questioned, silently hoping for a no.
     “She’s alive.” There was a silent ‘but’. “But, (there it is) there was this for you, I didn’t read it. I felt you needed your privacy.” Hesaid as he handed me a letter… it was in Ancient Greek and shiz! It was Micheals hand handwriting… he did this! I calmed myself down and read the letter.

Dear Perseus,
Why did you run away? I miss you so much. I hope you have not managed to harm yourself, I do hope that you come back. I only killed them for you, besides, you can get a head start on childcare! I honestly would never harm a baby, especially not a baby sibling of your’s. I hope you do well, and use your brain and come back to camp.
I Love you,

    That was murder to my eyes (The author came this (🤏🏽🤌🏽) close to writing the rest of the story in that font), but Micheal is clearly more of a psycopath than I thought. I crumbled the letter in anger. Thanatos left and I picked up Estelle and ran, not really knowing where I was going, but I knew I wasn’t ever going back to camp. A few weeks later I bumped into someone. The baby bump was getting bigger and it was getting harder to run but I did it anyway. I turned myself to land on my side as Estelle was on my back and the baby was growing in my stomach. Suddenly I stopped falling, I saw that the person I had bumped into had caught me.
     “Are you okay child?” She asked me, by the way she talked I could tell that she was either a god or an immortal. She had braided purple hair and sad purple/ white eyes. I looked around and saw a man with long white hair and golden freckles… they must be gods.
     “I am fine, I apologize (Ha! Apollogize!) for my insolence my lady.” I apologized to her.
    “None of that child!” She said to me. Huh, she must be the non egotistical, non man hating, non demigod hating, non Hestia, kind of goddess. She laughed, she read my mind didn’t she… shiz. “It is me that should apologize to you.”
     “How so?” Is asked (words are mean, I know too little of them).
     “Well, I am that great- grandmother Micheal kept talking about.” I looked at her in shock and fear, my eyes dilating, everything was ringing. She was going to trap me and tell Micheal where I am, isn't she. “Calm down child, I am sorry for what that child did to you. I cannot deny any prayers to me. The gods of Olympia made me swear on the Styx to never deny or ignore a prayer. I never wanted to harm you, I wanted nothing more than to help you. I am sorry for the pain my family has caused you.” I thought about it for a moment.
     “It is fine my Lady, it is not your fault it is Micheals.” She then approached me and took my hand. “Excuse me for asking this but where are we going my lady?”
     “We are going to place where you and your children will be safe from all off earth’s pain.”
    “Thank you My Lady.” (I already hate it!)
    “No, none of that child. Please just call me Kami!” She said with a soft smile.
    “Of course… Kami.” I replied respectfully. She told me to close my eyes and cover up Estelle as well as my stomach. She flashed us into a throne room with Rose following close behind. I looked up and saw a man with galaxy-like hair and eyes. It was nice.
    “Hello Perseus, I am Chaos.” I immediately bowed, I ain’t getting smited taday fools!  “No no, none of that, I hate formalities.”
      “If you say so. Now, what do you need me for?” I asked. He smiles at me, oh how I hate people.
     “I would like to make you, Estelle, and the children growing in your stomach my immortal children.” I thought to myself about the pros and cons.
     “I accept… thank you.” I said smiling,Kami and who I presume as Rose smiling with me. Chaos… no, my father stuck his hand towards me and I felt a light feeling. I hope this doesn’t do anything to the babies. I fainted as I saw Kami rushing towards me. When I woke up I was in a place that was completely blue. I mean all these different shades of blue, I loved it.

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