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I sighed watching jaskier trying to flirt with some random girls. "He's wasted" I chuckled taking a sip from my drink.

"Yep" Geralt said sharping one of his sword then someone slammed there hands on the table. We both looked up at him.

"What do you want Jake" I asked I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I want you to kill that fucking monster" he said pointing to a man who had a women on his lap and I rolled my eyes.

"Jake that's just a guy with a women on his lap" I said and he growled putting his hand on my arm. "Get off" I said.

"Y/n that monster stole my wife" he said then he took one of my swords.

"This isn't going to end well" I said standing up walking over to Jake and Geralt followed me. "Kai stay there" I said and he nodded.

"Leave my wife alone" Jake said lifting the sword and I kicked him in the back of the knee and grabbed the sword.

"Sorry about that mate I will take Jake" I said helping Jake up and taking him to the door. "Go home Jake and get some rest" I said and he left.

"Cheers y/n" Kai shouted and I nodded sitting back down.

"They really trust you don't they" Geralt said and I nodded.

"When I first came here they hated me thought I was some kind of monster but then they got to know me and now they see my as family I guess" I said.

"Y/n can I sit" Kai asked and I nodded. He sat down and looked at Geralt. "Can I trust him" he asked.

"He's one of us" I said and he nodded putting a map down on the table. "It's a map of the forest" I said.

"I need your help three hunters went into the forest 4 days ago and they haven't been seen since can you have a look at" he asked and I nodded.

"I will see what I can do where was they seen last" I asked and he pointed to the deepest part of the forest.

"There, we last heard from them there" he said and I sighed.

"How much" I asked he smiled putting a bag of coin on the table.

"75 gold pieces" he said and I looked at Geralt.

"Deal" I said then Geralt coughed.

"I'm coming to" he said and I smiled.

"We will leave first thing tomorrow but for now let my relax I need it" I said putting my feet on the table.

"I will refill your drinks" Kai said walking away. Then jaskier came over and sat next to me.

"Hey beautiful what's a place like you going in a girl like this" he said and I looked at Geralt really confused.

"What are you on about" I said pushing him and he fell of the chair.

"That was sexy" he said standing up and getting really close to me and I moved sitting on the other side of Geralt. 

"Help me" I said and Geralt sighed punching jaskier in the head and I laughed a little. "I didn't mean like that but I worked" I chuckled.

Kai walked over and looked at jaskier confused "he was wasted" I said taking the drink and he nodded.

"We are closing soon here's your twos key" he said handing me and Geralt the keys.

"Thanks" I said finishing my drink. "I'm going to retire for the night I will see you in morning" I said grabbing my stuff and walking upstairs.

Time skip

I opened my eyes to see it was already morning. I sighed getting up and putting shirt and trousers on then walked out my room and down the stairs.

"Morning Kai have you seen Geralt" I asked and he pointed to the table I was sat at last night.

"Want some breakfast" he asked and I smiled walking over to the table.

"That would be great" I said sitting down. "Morning" I said and jaskier groaned.

"Hey, y/n when we leaving" Geralt asked and I sighed.

"After breakfast" I said and Kai out three plates done. "Thanks mate" I said taking a bite of my food.

"Where are we going" jaskier asked drinking his water.

"To the dark forest some hunter went missing and I'm going to find them" I said and he groaned.

"And let me guess, we are going to" jaskier said looking at Geralt and he nodded. "why" he groaned and I chuckled.

"This is your fault shouldn't have drank so much and tired to flirt with me" I said and his eyes went wide.

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