McCullen took a few of his best fighters with him into Whitechapel. He hoped and prayed that Banks was correct and Benjamin was behind the door; he was about to kick in.

A gunshot rang out from inside. A hole pierced the door, narrowly missing Captain McCullen but unfortunately clipping one of his men.

Captain McCullen let out a battle cry and kicked the door in. The occupants inside were in the middle of a struggle. It was Benjamin, and he was wrestling a rather large man for the gun. Another wild shot wrung out and hit the ceiling, causing some of the plaster to fall.

Captain McCullen came up behind the brute and pinned the man's arms behind his head. Benjamin landed two swift blows to the stomach, knocking the wind from his captor's lungs. His hold on the gun loosened, and Captain McCullen disarmed him. He let the man go, and he doubled over onto the floor.

Benjamin kicked the man in the head, knocking him out cold. Benjamin lost his balance, stumbled, and fell backward onto the floor. Captain McCullen gave the order to his men, and they helped Benjamin to his feet. As they lead Benjamin out of the room, Benjamin heard the killing blow come from McCullen's pistol.

"How did you find me?" Benjamin asked as McCullen joined him in the hall.

"Your wife is a very persuasive woman," Mc Cullen said with a smirk.


"She's safe, Benjamin and I am going to take you to her."

Benjamin tried to take a step, but his leg buckled under him and fell to his knees.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

Benjamin lifted his pant leg to reveal a festering wound on his right calf.

"Bloody hell! We need to get you to a surgeon."

"No, I must see, Clara."

"I don't see where you are in the position to argue, Benji."

"Call it the last request of a dying man."

McCullen ground his teeth, clenching his jaw. Benjamin's words cut him deep. McCullen helped Benjamin to his feet again. He looked at his men. "I'm taking Mr. McAllister back to our ship. Any opposition, I'm counting on you to handle it."

There was opposition waiting for them as they entered the street, but McCullen's men raced into the fray. McCullen placed Benjamin in the waiting carriage and took off down the street, heading back to the docks.

Benjamin shivered with fever. Sweat poured down his face and back, but he had to hold on. He had to see Clara one more time. He had to have her forgiveness before he left this world. Although he knew he did not deserve redemption, for he was forever ruined.

Clara was going out of her mind with worry. Sturgis got the men to agree to let her loose, stating he would take charge of her.

"What if it's all a ruse? What if Benjamin is already dead? Oh, Sturgis, I cannot bear the thought..."

Sturgis held her close as she cried in his arms. He wished there was more that he could do. He sent word to Redgrave's men about Benjamin's whereabouts but Sturgis knew Captain McCullen and his men would reach him first.

Then they heard a commotion on the ship coming from above them.

Clara ran for the door. Sturgis was close on her heels as she ran past the men to the top deck. There was McCullen carrying Benjamin across the deck.

"Benjamin!" Clara screamed in anguish as McCullen dropped to his knees. Clara fell over Benjamin's lifeless body.

"NO!" she screamed as she held him and cried, but she felt his breath on her cheek as she held him close.

"Benjamin?" Clara stroked his cheek.

"What happened?" Clara demanded to know.

"He has a festering wound. The injury must have been inflicted days ago and never treated."

"Benjamin, please? Please wake up?" Clara begged.

Sturgis examined the wound. "We have the best surgeon on board the Whispering Wind. We have to get Mr. McAllister to him. Don't give up Clara, not yet."

"Get Lord Fitton. Please, Sturgis, he's studied with the Masters if there is anything that can be done..."

Sturgis took command. They transported Benjamin to Whispering Wind, and he took it upon himself to fetch Lord Fitton.

"You trust this man?" James asked as his men took Benjamin onboard the Whispering Wind.

Clara showed James the scar from her gunshot wound. "With my life."

Redgrave joined them above deck. "He needs a surgeon," Clara explained. Redgrave nodded and lead McCullen's men to the medical bay. "Keep her up here," Redgrave instructed Captain McCullen, and McCullen nodded.

It was over an hour before Sturgis was back with Lord Fitton. Clara had worn out the deck with worry. Both men did not stop to talk to her and immediately went below deck.

"I have to go to him." But the Captain again held Clara in check. "There is nothing you can do. Let them work, Clara. Let them do their job."

"It is killing me, James. I'm slowly dying. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

McCullen embraced her. He wished there was more he could do. It can't end like this. 

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