a bit of fun cant hurt (12)

Start from the beginning

"Hi! I'm Hannah" A girl with a rose jacket and slightly curled hair extended her hand implying for me to shake it.

"um- Ranboo" I stutter shaking her hand in return doing my best to avoid eye contact.

"Okay so all the groups are sorted, correct?" King Philza questioned receiving a nod from Technoblade. "Great!" He clapped his hands together. "Some of our more experienced Guards will guide you and assign your group your test. Good luck!"

I glance back at my team it consists of 3 people. None looked to be a hybrid though. The one with a smiley mask and green hoodie sighed and began to speak.

"I guess we should introduce ourselves if we are going to be working with each other. I'm Dream"

"Punz" Another man spoke up

"I'm Hannah! Nice to meet you all!"

"My names Ranboo"

"Great, now that you all are done socialising i would really like to get this over with" A man covered in rough diamond shards spoke from behind us. He crossed his arms and started to walk down one of the many hallways "Come on newbies, I don't got all day" We all follow silently behind him occasionally glancing at one another. We enter a room with many sets of armour and weapons galore. I guessed it was some type of armoury.

"Alright, So one of the many things in being a guard is cooperating with coworkers or other guards in order to get anything done around this place. Now saying this, your task today isn't centred around the castle but instead in the main village." The diamond man said tossing us each a sword and bits and pieces of old armour. The armour was heavy and weighed me down too much for my comfort.

"So once we got to the town you will be assigned your mission. You have 15 minutes to prepare or whatever. Just meet me down at the town centre in 15 minutes. Got that Newbies?" We all nod and with that he walks out leaving us alone with a bunch of amour and weapons. I could almost imagine Tommy calling the diamond guy a dick and complaining. I chuckled at the image knowing very well that, that would be exactly what he would do.

"Well. That was informative" The Punz guy said sarcastically.

"And we still don't know what we are doing!How are we supposed to 'prepare' if we don't know what to prepare for?" Dream sighed bending down examining some of the weapons.

"Well whatever we are assigned to do we should be prepared for it. You know what they say always prepare for the worst" Hannah stated. We all nod in agreement and start to prepare for whatever comes next.

Skeppy pov

'Ugh why did I have to agree to this. There are so many better things i could be doing right now but NOoO i have to train some newbies instead'  I sigh standing in the middle of the village waiting for the trainees. I probably look like an idiot. 'Seriously how long does it take? i swear if they don't come in the nex-'

"Hi.. Sir, We are ready" Hannah smiled with the rest of them not far behind.

"Finally took you long enough. Now i'm sure you have heard of the many thieves in the village. One in particular has been causing trouble for the townsfolk they call them the Food Bandit. Your job is to find them and report back to the castle once they are captured. Simple. You have until sundown. If you need me I will be in the castle. Good luck Newbies." I handed them a wanted poster with a description of what this bandit looks like and start making my way back to the castle.

Ranboo pov

"They call them the Food Bandit" I froze. Tommy? "Your job is to find them and report back to the castle once they are captured" no no no NO NO!! I can't let Tommy get caught. No matter how much this job would help me i need my friends more than I need money. We have survived this long without it so why should that change now? But how do I not let Tommy get caught without drawing suspicion to myself? I had to come up with a plan and fast.

"Well that was very informative" Punz rolled his eyes as the diamond man made his way back to the castle.

"Raccoon hybrid, huh? This shouldn't be that hard." Dream read from the poster given to him. I internally scoffed, Tommy may be just some raccoon hybrid but he knows how to get himself out of tricky situations. I doubt this would be any different.

"We should start with the east side of the village. I hear that's where all the shady people are." Hannah stated examining the sheet of paper in Dreams hands.

"NO- i mean.. we should check the north side first. That's where all the markets are if they'd be anywhere it'll be there." I say hoping they agree.

"Oh sure! Alright everyone lets go!" Hannah enthusiastically agrees. Lets just hope their not stealing today.

Tommy pov

"You sure Tubzo? This seems a bit risky don't you think?" I whisper to him from behind one of the unused stalls.

"Since when were you all 'mememe too riskyyy' seriously whats the worst that can happen? Just stick to the plan and we'll be outa here"

I nod still a bit hesitant of if something would to go wrong. I was honestly completely fine when it was me alone but with Tubbo there is something i could actually lose if i mess this up. There seem to be a few more guards than usual but i'm not scared of them. The royal guards may look intimidating but they really have no brains. They all share one collective brain cell. Tubbo started to make his way through the crowd surrounding the stalls. The plan was pretty simple. All I had to do was make a distraction causing all the attention for stall owners and townsfolk to focus on me. While that happens Tubbo will go around stashing as much as he can while he has the time. As weary as i was with this plan Tubbo reassured me that all the top guards were training the new ones so at least we wouldn't have to deal with them. I watched as Tubbo casually strolled down through the crowd of people examining each stall and which ones to steal from. All I have to do is wait for the signal. I saw Tubbo stop at one particular stall with a yellow and white stripped pattern I could only assume they were selling something valuable.

Tubbo saluted slightly going unnoticed by everyone around him except me. I sighed and climbed up the side of one of the near by houses. I looked over to all the people walking around. I took a deep breath. 'here goes nothing'


I suddenly saw a million eyes turn to my direction sending a shiver up my spine. Many eyes filled with disappointment, annoyance, anger, disgust. Even a few pity looks. All looks I know a little too well.

"ITS THE FOOD BANDIT!" One of the store owners called out causing all the townsfolk to shuffle their kids behind them like i'm done dangerous monster. Sometimes I wonder what would of happened if i was still with my older brother and mother. Life could be so much simpler I wouldn't have to steal. I wouldn't have to lie. But at the same time I wouldn't of met Tubbo and Ranboo.

"YEAH THATS ME. COME GET ME IF YOU CAN" I scream jumping onto a roof a shorter building near the one i was previously stationed on. I could see Tubbo pocketing stuff while some the store owners alert the guards and some stand yelling at the bottom of the building.

An arrow flew past my head making me freeze. Only the head guards owned bows I thought Ranboo said they wouldn't be on guard today? I glare down in the direction in which the arrow came from to see a group of 4 guards. They look new but they also have the gear of a professional guard? I scan the group looking for possible visible weaknesses.


ages are really messing this up- im not sure what ages to put them as that would work with the story. If it doesn't make sense or there are plot holes I'm sorry i wrote all these chapters a while ago and my writing and planning has improved since then so just go with it and hopefully it'll work out?

i'll be dropping a oneshots book soon so if you have any ideas put then in the comments

i didn't expect this many people to read this-

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