the confess and the competition

Start from the beginning

Izuku:"well if you're all in agreement than"

Izuku:*smiling*"I will do my best to make sure all of you are happy and I will do anything to make sure you all end up fine the whole way thru"

After that They all jumped on him in a group hug

Izuku:*smiling*'as long as I'm strong enough then I will protect them and everyone else'

(One week later)

Izuku:'this is more trouble than I thought it would be'

Currently the straw hat fanboy is surrounded by his lovers and showing their love but some times they can be too much for example Iida tried to ask him to straighten his tie but katsumi said "say one more thing and I'll kill you!" But izuku just told her she has to calm down or else, so she did because she was a bit worried because she didn't know what he would do

Momo:"so izuku which one of us did you have the best date with?"

Izuku:"well let me think,hmmmm katsumi threatened the waitress because in katsumi's words "she was looking at you for too long"

Katsumi:"she was!"

Izuku:"Kyoka and I went to a live preformens and then upstaged the band and after she got off security kicked us out, but it's not her fault she's better"

Kyoka:"I mean they did pick me out of the crowd and thanks green" she said with a light blush and a shy tone

Izuku:"Melissa made this so called smart guy look like an idiot which was funny until we were told to leave" he said with a small chuckle

Melissa:"because he didn't know what he was talking about" she said pouting

Izuku laughed a bit at he cuteness

Izuku:"Himiko threatened to drink the girls blood that hit on me ,the girl was out of line sense it was clear we were on a date but still Himiko went a bit too far"

Himiko:"hey she was getting too handsy for her own good, and plus I wasn't serious" 'mostly' she said also pouting

Izuku:"just don't do it again please" he said sighing and patting her head

Izuku:"then shoko we had a pretty good time until she also threatened our waitress but she was more indirect but at the end it was ok"

Shoko:"well she asked too many questions"

Izuku:"all she asked what my order was *sigh* well let's just not let that happen again ok but it ok now, but meeting your parents was nice momo"

Momo:"well that's good,so which person did would you say you had the best date with?"

Just as izuku was about to answer but the door opened surprising all of them

EH:"hello class"

Iida:"it's good to have you back sensei"

Izuku:*smiling*"dang EH are you sure that your ok because you look like a mummy hahaha"

EH:"my well being is none of your concern, but enough about me your fight is not over because the UA sports festival so you'll all have two weeks for training that's all do whatever you want until next class"

(Time skip)

As everyone was done packing up and headed out they open the door to see they are all trapped by all the students crowding the door way

Kirishima:"what's wrong, why are they blocking the way?"

Kaminari:"hey come on move out the way we want to go home to"

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