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{Posted this scene because I absolutely loved it}

Hadley's POV

Who thought an explosion could solve all of someone's problems, the council was blown up at the Pastor's farm and with it the bounty on our heads which meant we were allowed to stay in Mystic Falls and of course that's just was Caroline intended to do, which meant Tyler was staying and because of that meant that I was forced to stay even though I hated this town for everything and everyone besides a short list of people.

I had music blasting through the headphones that were on my head to drown out the notice of my brother and Caroline in his room since that was just so gross and was focusing myself on a new painting I was working on...a white wolf in a dark forest which confused me but it had come to me in a dream last night and I'd been unable to focus on anything else which made me put it on canvas.

"Mom?!" I heard Tyler say and pulled the headphone's off getting up since seriously couldn't these people be quiet enough for me to focus. "What's going on?" I heard him as as I stopped at the top of the stairs and saw someone was here. "Is there something I could help you with?" Tyler asked the guy.

"Maybe, how you doing I'm Connor" the guy...Connor said holding his hand out, Tyler grabbed it to shake but immediately groaned and I heard the flesh of his hand burning before the guy suddenly pulled a gun and shot an entire clip of bullets into Tyler's chest.

"Oh my god, Tyler!" Carol screamed while I ran down the stairs seeing the guy reloading. "Tyler run!" Carol yelled and Tyler ran jumping through a window in his escape and Connor was quick to follow him out the door right as Caroline came downstairs in just a robe while Carol stared at the blood on the ground in shock.

"I'm going after him!" I growled out angrily and took off out the door before they could protest and followed after Connor as much as I could and I really wished it was a full moon right about now because I damn lost him and just as I was about to head back to the house my phone rang and I saw Tyler's name. "Tyler, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm going to the Salvatore's meet me there" I groaned annoyed but didn't argue.

"Okay, I'll be there soon" I hung up and ran back home going inside to grab my car keys seeing Carol cleaning up the blood but I didn't stick around to help and jumped into my car driving to the Salvatore's walking in without a care and tracked the sounds to a library since this was the first time I've been in this house and saw Tyler laying on a couch with Stefan pulling the bullets out of his chest while dressed stood back.

"Please tell me that was the last one" Caroline breathed out once Stefan pulled the bullet out and I frowned seeing they were wood, a vampire hunter.

"These were specially carved...the length, the width, if you were a normal vampire you'd be dead" Stefan said examining the bullets.

"This guy knew what he was doing, his gloves must have been steeped in vervain" Tyler explained shaking his head.

"He was looking for a vampire and he didn't hesitate for a second when he found one" I nodded since that guy had been insane.

"These etchings..." Stefan began to say and touched the bullet only to pull back as it burnt him.

"Are the bullets spelled?" Caroline asked but it was no spell like I'd ever seen and Bonnie Bennett wasn't the first witch I'd seen since finding out about the supernatural world as there was a period where I sought them out trying to rid myself of the curse.

"I don't know, they're something" Stefan replied and I sighed since we couldn't just have one second of peace in this damn town and now I had a vampire hunter to track down before he killed my brother.

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