No Way In Hell

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Hadley's POV

The next morning proved that Mystic Falls was a cursed town, we all got the call that Rebekah Mikaelson had cause Matt and Elena to drive off Wickery Bridge and although Stefan had gotten there he hadn't been able to save both of them and Elena had forced him to save Matt and she was now in transition to become a vampire and Alaric was dead.

I'd driven around all night before returning to the cellar, I knew I should be long gone by now but I couldn't not without Caroline and Tyler so I was annoyed when I walked back down seeing a coffin now in place of the cellar with Bonnie standing over it, I headed over frowning when I saw Klaus' body which was partially burned.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Klaus spoke up still in Tyler's body from behind us.

"What is that doing here Klaus, the deal we made with Tyler was that you'd leave his body and jump into someone else's the first chance you got" my eyes widened with the knowledge that Tyler had agreed to this.

"Yes, when I assumed I'd be a pile of Ash but apparently fate and oxygen intervened and there I am" he argued looking down at his burnt corpse. "Put me back" he then stated looking up at Bonnie.

"I can't right now" she argued back.

"Your history teacher outed Tyler, Caroline and Hadley to the council, they're on the war path and this body's vulnerable" I glared at him.

"I have to help Elena before she has to feed"

"Elena's dead and no longer my concern" Klaus argued and I rolled my eyes since he honestly didn't have a heart.

"You're forgetting who just saved your life" Bonnie spat at him and his hand shot up grabbing her around the throat.

"Let her go Klaus!" I yelled stepping up glaring at him.

"You're forgetting I can rip your tongue out, now" he spat at her.

"If I can keep Elena human, you'll still have an endless blood supply to make your hybrids isn't that what you really want?" Bonnie got around around his grip on her throat appealing to his greed and he releases her to which she quickly heads for the exit but he intercepts her with vampire speed.

"Same rules apply, no one else knows" he warned her looking over at me from Bonnie's shoulder before looking back at her. "No one, do you understand me, Bonnie?"

"Do you really think threatening her is going to get you want you want?" I asked him once Bonnie was gone.

"I've found with the right kind of persuasion everybody does what I want" he smirked at me.

"You sound like a petulant child" I scoffed moving over to his coffin and stared down at his charred remains.

"Why are you still here, shouldn't you be running far from Mystic Falls by now?" he asked following behind me.

"I should but something hijacked my brother and until he's back I can't leave I'm stuck here just as much as you are seeing as your original body is a tad overcooked"

"Still handsome though" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"That's supposed to mean you were already handsome and so far I haven't seen it"

"So far, so you're saying that you could find me appealing?" he was such a cocky ass.

"Don't hold your breath Klaus" I scoffed unable to hold back my own smile as I slammed the lid of his coffin down and sat on it crossing my arms and focused on the wall that was furthest away from having to look at him still in Tyler's body especially when he sat beside me and thankfully it was silent for a good couple of minutes before Tyler's phone rang and he fished it out of his pocket looking at the screen and I found myself peering over seeing 'Mom' on the caller ID.

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