"Ah, you incessant woman" I sniggered watching as he answered the phone. "Hey Mom, what's up?" he said trying to mimic Tyler and I scoffed since Tyler wouldn't answer the phone that happy when we're in this kind of situation.

"Tyler, thank god...are you okay?" I was able to hear Carol say because I was sitting beside him. "Is Hadley with you?" she added and I bit back a scoff since she seemed to care a whole lot about me now when it came to her sons safety.

"We're fine, why what's going on?" Klaus asked her looking over at me so I turned my head pretending that I wasn't listening.

"Pastor Young had me arrested this morning, the council grilled me on your whereabouts" she replied and I raised an eye at that since the Pastor Young I remembered from growing up here wasn't that violent and was always kind when he helped me out with my anger issues back then. "Tyler don't tell me where you are, the less I know the better"

"Mom I'm okay, relax" I snorted since Carol was never capable of relaxing.

"You didn't answer your phone honey, I was scared you were with Caroline" she argued and that got my attention.

"Why, what happened to Caroline?" he asked her after seeing my look as my head had snapped towards him.

"The council took her" Carol replied and I frowned grabbing the phone.

"What do you mean they took her?" I demanded since Tyler would kill me if I let something happen to Caroline while he was...wherever he was while Klaus was in his body, Carol told us what had happened to Caroline. "You're helping me" I demanded looking at Klaus after I'd hung up and he smirked.

"Hold your breath love" he told me and before I knew it he'd picked me up and was running at vampire speed making me squeal in shock and cling into his neck while he ran tracking Caroline down I don't know how but before I knew it I was being let go of and turning around just in time to see the aftermath of the crash he'd caused from pushing a black van over.

"Caroline!" I called out running over as Klaus ripped the door off the back and we saw not only Caroline in the back but Rebekah too and I glared at her for killing Elena while I ripped the ropes from Caroline's wrists recoiling at the scent of the vervain.

"Tyler?" Caroline asked looking behind me at Tyler and before I had a chance to tell her that it wasn't Tyler, Klaus had already answered stating that he was harder to kill which made me scoff especially when he looked at me. "You're alive?" I could hear the tires of the police car coming back. "How are you alive?" she sobbed.

"No time, come on we gotta go" I told her and helped her out of the van and she wasted no time speeding away.

"Wait, what about me?" I heard Rebekah ask.

"Keep them busy, little sister" Klaus told her before I found myself in his arms again and we were speeding off in the direction Caroline had disappeared in, I hated vampire speed it always left me nauseous.

"Can we stop for a second before I throw up!" I yelled and Klaus stopped letting me go, I fell onto my butt the moment he let go because the entire forest was spinning.

"You okay?" he asked but before I had the chance to reply Caroline had come back having realized we'd stopped and had pushed him against a tree smashing her lips to his.

"I never thought I'd see you again!" she exclaimed. "I don't get it, how are you alive?"

"This is going to sound incredible, but..." she cuts him off by kissing him and I shakily stood up knowing I had to stop her.

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