After all these years

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You had no idea what her name was and if it was even your mother but something just felt right. The reason the ice cream made you realise was because you had a faint memory of you two eating ice cream in a park just before you got stolen. When you got home you decided to make a plan on how to find her again. You decide you are going to go to the mall everyday for the next few weeks then surely you would bump into each other again.

It was the next day and you were getting ready to go back to the mall.
This is what you wear:

As soon as you get there you decide to go to the jewellery store first since that's where you seen them first

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As soon as you get there you decide to go to the jewellery store first since that's where you seen them first. You weren't really expecting to find them today but maybe the had forgotten something yesterday and they would have to come back. You basically go in every store but they aren't any so you decide to go home. When you get home your quite upset because you were hoping you would find them but you'll go back tomorrow and hopefully they will be there.

It's Sunday night and you are finally starting your new job tomorrow at North Hope Hospital and you were ecstatic about it. Before you go to sleep you go in the shower and dry your hair, you then jump into bed and phone your parents. You tell them all about what's happened so far but you skip the bit about you meeting your biological mum because you don't want them to get jealous or anything. Whilst you are on the phone you ask them if they know anything about your biological mother and they say all they know is that she loved me with her whole heart. That's what they always say to make you feel better about the fact you will probably never meet her but little did they know. You say goodnight to your parents then get into bed and get an early night since your first day as an intern is tomorrow.

As soon as the alarm goes off you jump out of bed faster than you ever have before because of how excited you are. You get into your scrubs and get all ready then go downstairs and get in the car. When you arrive at the hospital you just stand outside and take it all in. This is it, your life is finally beginning.

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