-chapter 4-

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As I walk into the bathroom, I hear the sound of what appears too be someone crying, their sobs quiet but clearly full of emotion.


Fucks sake.

Couldn't she go and cry in another bathroom? This shit is mine, the fuck?

"Billie?" I ask quietly, her head shooting over too me, eyes going too furiously wipe away her tears.

"V-venus." She hiccups, lip trembling as she blinks harshly, trying her best too stop any more tears streaming down her perfect cheeks. "W-why are you here?"

"It's a bathroom. People are going too come in." I say dully, voice low. "Why are you crying?"

I'm only teasing. I know exactly why she's crying. It was my intention.

Sniffing, Billie takes a second too answer, glancing at her reflection in the mirror, nose and eyes red, slightly shaky.

"W-why!?" She asks uncertainly, shaking her head gently as she struggles for words, making me feel slightly bad.

Billie's cute, a pretty face like hers doesn't really deserve too be crying like she is over something I caused.

Shit, I need too stop feeling sympathy for people. It's creepy.

"Why would you kiss me and take me out if you're dating Santana and we're just going to go back too her anyway?"

Sighing, I walk over too Billie, eyes soft as I put my arms around her waist, pulling her in towards me slightly.

Billie recoils, eyes avoiding mine as figure out what too say, hand going up too wipe her eyes.

"Princess, you know that you're beautiful and deserve everything from a person that can really love you. But Santana has done nothing wrong and I can't break her heart. You understand, right?"

Billie gulps, cheeks flushed but whether it's from her tears or me, I can't quite tell.

"I get it." Billie responds quietly.

"If San was out of the picture, angel. You would be my first choice. Know that."

Blinking, Billie finally meets my eyes, still glazed and teary, dropping her arms, placing her hand on my cheek.

Her palm is warm against my skin, comforting in a way I'm no familiar with.

"Can I kiss you?" She asks quietly, ashamed of what she's asking but clearly a hint of desperation present, making my face soften. "Please."

Letting silence ring throughout the room, I nod, a small smile on my face. "Of course you can, Princess."

Maybe I shouldn't be doing this. Whether that's because I'm getting way too involved in this warming up too her or maybe it's because part of me is enjoying physical touch with her a little too much.

Kissing anyone else has always felt like something that just came with a relationship. Making them feel good and giving them what they deserve.

But, I don't know, this time is different.

Something's there. Something undescribable.

Pulling away, I step back slightly, pulling away from Billie. I don't like that. I don't like how that makes me feel.

"Venus?" She asks uncertainly, watching as I back away.

As I go too exit the bathroom, Billie's firm grip wraps itself around my arm, keeping me in place. This girl is warming up too me and it's scaring me.

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