-chapter 1-

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When dead bodies start appearing all around Los Angeles, any rational person's first thought is they could kill me.

As the culprit, you don't get that. You do, however, when some of the bodies that start showing up aren't yours.

Or is that just me?

Shit, I should probably start from the beginning.





~tuesday, 8:38pm~

"You look beautiful, darling." I whisper, finally finishing the stitches loosely threaded through her skin with a small smile on my face.

Where her flesh had been cut at the sides of her mouth, you can see where the layer stops, the cut so deep that dried blood is painted across her cheeks and chin where my hand had brushed, nevertheless making the sight more thrilling.

"Pity I have to let you go, can't have them thinking I've finally given up." Interlacing my hand with her limp one, I take a final look at my creation, held up in her full glory as the light shines across her smooth skin.

Kissing her hand softly, I smirk too myself. Fifty people dead yet noone having figured out the 17 year old girl behind it all.

Well, that is the point of a Mafia.


"I don't get why you still go to school, V." Jasper says humorously, taking a right turn, effortlessly laid back in his seat.

"Maintaining my social status is one of the many things that keep us from getting caught. If you listened in any of my many meetings, you would understand." I reply bitterly, eyes straight ahead as I adjust the many rings littered on my fingers, checking myself in the mirror.

School from an academic point of view, never has and never will be my forte. Sure, my grades are good and keep me from getting into some trouble with the teachers but my 'behavior'... not so much.

However, from a social point of view, I couldn't be doing any better. Head of the basketball team, easily the most feared person in school, not to mention, multiple months into a relationship with Santana Pérez, Captain of the cheerleading team and the hottest girl in school.

That is, well, beside me of course.

"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, great job on that little Tanya girl, she's already been found and I've got to say, she's by far your best piece of work."

Humming, I rub my lips together, newly moisturized by my lip balm as the school comes into view, the rest of my gang's parking spaces free as well as mine, right in the middle.

People know not to mess with my space. Let's just say... interesting things happen too them.

"Oh, also, have you been watching the news recently? Someone else is killing off people in this city. Even worse, they haven't been caught yet." Jasper says, feeling his eyes on the side of my face which I ignore.

"I know."

"Well, are you not worried?"

People who get worried are always the ones who get killed. They know they have something to worry about and so they do. And they die.

Why the actual hell would I be worried?

"No. Have too give it too them, style is interesting. If they don't catch them soon, might have too cop them for ourselves."

Really, jumping someone in isn't that easy. The amount if strings I had to pull for Santana and her little fantasy dream of a Mafia love story were vast. But, watching her kill is hot. Can't say I regret it.

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