3: Is anybody there. .?

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"Hey! I'm Ed. Ed Sheeran!" And even waves his hand.

I would surely curb his enthusiasm if he becomes my friend by any chance (which is negligible).

I smile a fake smile, feeling guilty even then because he deserves to sit with a better person and he probably only sat with me 'cause it was the only empty seat.

He either does not notice or does not voice his opinion, when I quickly look down because of shame and embarrassment.

I'm such an idiot.

Couldn't I just pretend like a normal social person instead of sitting like an awkward-as-fuck person?

Now he would surely hate or even bully me cause even the nicest person would bully me for being me.

Or being gay.

Well, except Liam, I suppose.

But even if he is nice and my best friend, he would never have been my friend if he did not live next to me in Doncaster.

Well zoning out seems like an offence since now, as the Maths teacher is yelling my name right in my face.

"Mr. Tomlinson, can you please tell us the final equation, which is used to solve for x ?"

Oh shit.

Luckily even if I dislike Maths, I'm still a 'nerd' which is proved when I rattle off the answer leaving the teacher surprised.

I blush and sit back down to face my partner Ed who is grinning proudly well, like a parent.

I raise an eyebrow and he pats my back saying ,"Well played, mate."

I truly smile then.

Now that I rethink, he looks more like a goofy and a friendly person who maybe, only maybe, can bear me.

The rest of the school is going uneventfully.

And of course, I jinxed that.

Seeing as I, being my clumsy self, bump into a burly looking guy.

Oh no.

I fall backwards where fortunately Ed, who was passing, just happened to grab onto my waist and steadied me.

I was about to murmur a 'sorry' but I was never able to do so, seeing as the guy pulled me from Ed towards him and dug his hands on my shoulders.

I whimpered in pain.

One would think that I would have gotten used to the pain and humiliation brought unto me, but I am overly sensitive to pain, as till now I can't bear that.

"Watch where you are going, you worthless piece of shit!" He spits in my face. By then I'm trembling.

I hate being shouted at. 

I adjust my glasses which are just on the verge of falling.

The guy snickers.

"You are a nerd, aren't you?"

An unintentional groan escapes my mouth as the pain becoming intense, as he dug his hands deeper.

This is what I've been fearing.

The Bullies.

"Answer me!"

I stutter out " Y-Yes" when he squeezes my shoulders hard.

I think my pectoral girdle is bound to get fractured if he keeps squeezing me like that.

Liam, my saviour just happens to be passing by.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat