Doubts and the Talk

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"I'm happy we all got boyfriends!" Su-ah squealed. "Correction, he's not my boyfriend yet..." I replied.

"But you said yet and that means you will!~" She sings happily. "We also need to go to a salon, derma and get our nails done!" She added. 


I'm minding my own business when I came across of a vision seeing Juyoung and Seojun hugging and Juyoung's crying. "Yah! Han Seojun!" I walk towards them. 

"Why is Juyoung crying? What did you do to him?" I said while checking Juyoung. "A-Aish, I didn't do anything, I kicked a empty can then it accidentally hit him--"

Seojun tried to explain but I didn't let him finish. "Why would a normal person aggressively kick a can?" I asked. "Wah! Noona, Hyung...I think I'm ready to move on!" He said and walked away. "What?" Seojun and I said in the same time. 

"He's crazy..." I said. "No, he isn't...he just got his heartbreak..." Seojun replied. "Oh..." I said. When Juyoung's far away, I looked at Seojun and he's sad. "If he's sad about his heartbreak, what about you?" I asked him. 

"It's because of you." He said. "Huh? Why me?" I said pointing at myself. "Because you're still not agreeing to be my girlfriend." He continued. "Ah...Oh...About that..." I gulped. "Oh really?" I said.

"Aish, nevermind!" He stomps his foot like a 5-year-old child. I ruffled my hair and tried to chase him. It's now or never. I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking. "What do you want now?" He shrugged. I tip-toed and kiss his cheek. "We're official now, bye." 

After saying that I ran as fast as I could and left him there.

Seojun's POV

"We're official now, bye." She rans away after saying that. I froze and I cannot move. "W-What did she just said?" I asked myself, I touch my cheek and smile like an idiot. 

"That crazy monkey..."

Maybe it's also time, to move on from Jookyung but can I do it?


Kyla's POV 

Trying to avoid Seojun all day is tiring but he stares a me during class that makes me want to jump out of the window. "Are you okay?" Suho asked and I flinched. "O-Ofcourse..." I replied. 

After class I quickly went home hiding away from Seojun, Su-ah and Jookyung invited me to hang out with them but I said I'm hiding from Seojun and told them the whole story, Su-ah was so loud after knowing that I'm officially the girlfriend of the bad boy, the gangster the one and only Han Seojun. Jookyung was happier than ever that her and Su-ah is friends again.

I texted my mom that I will be home late to buy some school supplies cause I know that Seojun will go to our house to talk to me but guess what? I ended buying stationaries and more ballpens, I can say that I'm clever so I just walk outside in the middle of the night eating street foods just to avoid Seojun, I still can't believe I did that to him.

I got many missed calls from him. As I was walking I met Chorong on my way. "Oh, Kyla-ssi, what are you doing here alone in the middle of the night?" He asked while holding his snack. I run my fingers through my hair. "Hiding." I replied. "I heard that you're official with Brother Seojun, is that why you're hiding? He's been looking all over for you." He said. I scratched my head. "Really?" He nodded.

I heard a lot of lot yells not far from where we are. "Ya, Chorong...Can you hear that?" I asked. "I think so..."

The loud yells is from Su-ah, Jookyung, Se-mi and her minions plus Hye Min. 



"Yah! What do you think you're doing Se-Mi!" I shouted, they all let go of each other. "Hey, brother! Who do you think you are coming at students of Saebom High?" Chorong said and went infront of me. 

"Oh, Kyla!" Su-ah said. "Who's she?" The other boy who was about to slap Hye Min awhile ago asked. "Seojun's girlfriend." Se-mi replied. "I'll take care of things, so get going." Chorong added. "Wait, what?" I asked him. He winked at them. "I'm not leaving you here." I told him. "It's okay, don't worry." He reassured. 


I walked with Jookyung all the way home, since we're just neighbors it's easy to go home.  "I like you necklace." Jookyung said. She was talking about Seojun and I's couple necklace but I guess she doesn't know. "I saw Seojun wearing the same thing...Wait is it a couple necklace?" She gasps, I nodded. But the more she asks about my relationship about Seojun, the scene in the music room rewinds in my head. So, I decided to change the subject.

"So, how about you and Suho? How are you guys, what you did entering the classroom earlier holding hands is awesome." She smiled. "Guess what he sent me." She said while clinging arm. "Hmmm, is it a package?" She shook her head. "Here, look."

She showed me a video of Suho dancing the ottoke song. I almost vomit the foods I ate earlier because of cringyness. "I can't believe he did this!" I laughed.

My jaw almost dropped when I saw Seojun with his bike infront of my house waiting for me. "Oh, Seojun you're here?" Jookyung said. Having Jookyung and Seojun in the same room suffocates me. "Where have you been, I called you many times!" Seojun said.

"This seems private, I'm gonna go." Jookyung left. I gulped and sighed. "I thought you're going to stop riding your bike." I said avoiding his eyes. He walks towards me. "I'll be too tiring if I use my legs finding for you can it?" 

"Right." I shortly replied. "Why are you hiding?" He asks. "I'm embarrass to face you, sorry." I said. "Don't say sorry it's not your fault." He said looking away. "What's this?" He said while pointing at the paper bag I'm holding. "Oh, well...It's an another escape plan here." I chuckled.

We ended up eating the mochi I bought when I was walking a while ago, we both sat on his bike. "Have you felt jealous?" I suddenly asked without thinking. "I mean--- Forget I said that." I quickly said.

"Jealous of what exactly?" He asks while eating another Mochi. "Like...How you felt about Jookyung in the past." He looks at me. "Why are you asking are you jealous of someone? But I didn't get close to girls like that, what do yo mean?" 

"Nothing really, since we're together now, it's fine opening up right?" He nodded and sat properly to listen. I took a deep breath before speaking. "I just feel like you didn't move on with Jookyung yet." 

He laughs. "Oh, that's it? I understand you, I get jealous too you know...Not only on Jookyung but to you too when you're too close with Suho at first..." He mumbles the last sentences. I just stared at him and he continued eating but stopped when noticed me staring. 

"Y-You got jealous...Before?" I asked. If he got jealous of Suho because I'm close to him then that means he likes me since then? 

"W-Well...I'm confused about my feelings back then..." He replied. "Remember when you gave Suho a band-aid because I punched him? I see how concern you are to him and how you two talk like you know each other a long time and I started to feel jealous because I want that too." He continued. "And when you gave me back my helmet..."

"I treated you a bit harshly back then when you try errands for me on behalf of Jookyung so, after the camping and Suho telling me you like me changed my mind and that's the time I started to treat you right..." He added, he was looking down the ground.

I blushed hard and I keep hiding my smile. "I'm glad you tell me." I said. 

"Oh, Kyla? Seojun? What're you doing here?" Mom came home from work and Ken is with her , while we're sitting outside, they saw us. "It's late at night why are you still here?" Mom asked Seojun. "Lovebirds~" Ken sang and slap his arm.

"Good evening ma'am and Hyung, I just brought Kyla home but I think I'll be leaving now." He said. "Wait, wait, wait...It's late at night, it'll be dangerous for you to go home." Ken said. "Right, mom?" He told mom.

In the end, Seojun had a sleepover and it's a good thing it's Friday or else mom wouldn't agree. Ken and Seojun shared the same bedroom and I don't know what they're doing all night but it's sure as hell that they're so noisy.


Credits to the owner for the video above.

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