If You Pass... If You Fail..

Start from the beginning

*Steve looks at Bucky and then at you.. You cry even more.. Bucky is choking up... Steve takes the folder and finishes reading*
Steve- The child trained and kept her memory till her 18th birthday.. she was then given the serum and she survived... she was Brainwashed and her memory wiped..she met her real teacher and "old friend" the Winter Soldier.. She is proving to be better than her mother... So far every mission has been a success and there seems to be a romance blooming between the Winter soldier and her... We have decided we will use this to activate project Winter Widow Army and if all goes well we will have our first new soldier soon..
*Steve looks between you two... Nat speaks up*
Nat- they we're going to create a whole army... this file has been updated recently.. they have Grant and Winnie written down.. in Hydras mind they are their property.. the first of their army..

*You are leaning back against your chair.. you rub your face and rage fills your body... You storm out of the room.. Bucky follows you and try's to stop you... You throw him against the wall and continue to walk towards the containment wing...Steve grabs your arm and you punch him and slam him on the ground.. you rip open the door to Pierces Cell... everyone is now behind you and trying to stop you... not for pierces sake but for Yours and the teams.. you sadly still need Pierce alive.*

Pierce- I'm guessing you read the file... tell me how does it feel to know I am the one who made your little family.. I'm the one who made your children possible... I'm the one who gave you the life you now have..if it weren't for me you'd be just like your friend, Natasha.. I think I deserve a thank you..
*You storm over and without hesitation your grab his neck and squeeze*
Y/N- You didn't orchestrate some big love story.. we found love in spite of the fucking hell hole we were in. Our love isn't some bullshit political game and our children are sure as hell not hydra's... you will bleed for everything you've done to me, to Bucky, and to Natasha..Starting now..
*in one fluid motion you let go of him and grab out a knife and quickly slide it across his neck... He gasps and grabs his throat... you walk out without even one speck of blood on you... you are a highly trained assassin after all...as everyone else walks in you pass by and look at Wanda and Bruce*
Y/N- Save him....
*You leave*

*Bucky finds you rocking Grant to sleep as he lays on your chest and you hold your belly*
Bucky- He's gonna live...
*Your face doesn't change*
Y/N- What a shame... I must be going soft.
*Bucky kneels down beside you and stops the chair... You meet his gaze.. He sees the pain in your eyes... He doesn't speak, he just waits for you to*
Y/N- I always thought my mom wanted to have me... That even if my father was a piece of shit that she still wanted me... But I was forced upon her... by Pierce... *A tear falls*
Bucky- she did want you... I remember that day vividly now... She was ready to die for you and then she did... there is no greater act of love than to lay down your life for another..
*You smile*
Y/N- Did you just quote the Bible?
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- Yeah... my mom would be happy that at least one stuck after all these years...

*You smile and kiss Bucky.. But he can tell that something still isn't right*
Bucky- Talk to me y/n... what is it? Let me help you..
Y/N- Bucky- *You catch your breath* Bucky my whole purpose was to create an army of murders... I was made with the intention of being the first and when their plan failed I became plan B... I was to become the best, take down world governments, and then literally give birth to an army.... *Your voice breaks* how is any of this different?!? *You motion to Grant laying on your chest, Winnie in your belly and the giant compound you are sitting in*
*Bucky takes your hand and rubs it.. his eyes soften and he speaks gently*
Bucky- Because you had a choice here... Baby look at me *you do* In Hydra your memory would have been wiped after each one and you never would have known them.. you would have been forced to do this... Here, Now... you chose this, we chose this... *Grant makes a cute noise in his sleep and Bucky laughs and you smile* we created this little guy because WE wanted to.. and we will have more because WE want to. And they don't become murders, y/n.... They are hero's, they save the world and defeat organizations like Hydra.. it's like you told Pierce... he had nothing to do with this *He points in between you two* WE created this.. *Bucky lightens the mood* we had some help from Winter *You laugh* but that's not the point right now.. we did this, not him... he could never create something as good as this.. *He motions to your little family... your face falls* and before you say it... he had nothing to do with who you are today... that was your moms goodness, your uncles bravery, Nat's friendship, and my love that helped shape you... all he did was put his name on the group project and try to take the credit

Winter's Widow pt 1!Where stories live. Discover now