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Morning of the next day Naruto still enjoying his sleep when he feels someone shaking him to wake up.
And when he open his eyes he sees mito shaking him to wake up.

"Onii-chan wake up it's already morning" said mito quietly

"Huh what is it mito?"ask Naruto groggily

"Onii-chan im already hungry" said mito

"Ok let's go let's see if there  is a cook breakfast already" said Naruto

Mito just nodded and gets up and Carry her and the go to dining hall after walking and a few turning they reach a crimson red double door and when he opens it he saw a long table that can fit at least 50 he walks to the end of the table to see his two uncle and great aunt eating breakfast after greeting each other he gives mito to his great aunt for her to get feed.
After a while Naruto call a guard and tell him to wake up his mother and his two other sibling after that the guard just nodded and leave.


Inside naruto's room kushina is stirring and after a while she wakes up and saw that she is in a elegant room meant for a leader after looking inside the room for a while there is a knock on the door that gets her attention.


"Come in" said kushina while looking at the door

The door open and a man in a white armor come in  and walk straight to kushina when he is a few feet he now to her  in respect.

"Lady kushina the Lord of this palace is waiting for you in the dining hall with your daughter and son I will bring you there if you would follow me "said the guard

Kushina just nodded and wakes up her son and daughter after waking them up she carries the two child and follow the guard after a few minutes they reach the door when the guard was about to open the door they feel a killing intent and blood lust from Inside the guard just become stiff because of it but kushina and the two child is breathing hard and sweating a lot and the two child past out.


After the guard left Naruto and his family continue eating breakfast while waiting for kushina and  his two other siblings after a while another double door from his left open and enter is Erza with three old looking kitsune naruto just sigh from incoming head ache Erza and the elders just stop a few feet from him and bow their head.

"Naruto-sama this elders wanted to talk to you" said Erza looking annoyed

"Thanks Erza your dismiss oh and can you take my uncle's, great aunt and my sister mito and take them to a tour around the palace" said Naruto

"Of course naruto-sama come on guys let's start our tour" said Erza politely

They just nodded after they left he turn his attention to the three elders who just stay quiet while he was talking to erza he just nodded a sign for them to start talking.

"So what can i do for you elders this fine morning" said Naruto calmly

"Naruto-sama we just want to know why there are human in this dimensions and also two of children you brought here has the same youki of lady kurahime" said the elder in the middle

"How did you know about  that I still not tell anyone about that information" said Naruto seriously

"We have reliable source that tell as about it but that is not issue here the issue is you brought a human here and we need to free lady kurahime from the two child so she can rule the demon realm again" said the elder in the left

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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The Revenge Of The Child Of Prophecy( A Naruto Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora