No one could ever hurt you, my love

Start from the beginning

"Um, honey, and caramelized apples."

"Slave!" He called out. Not nearly as loud this time, because they were so close, but his voice still made Alia and them freeze.

"Bring us honey and caramelized apples for the waffles." One of the men bowed and ran off. Moments later, he returned with the honey. "Apologizes, your Highness, it will take a few moments for the apples to be served."

"Is that okay, my love?" The King looked to the Queen to ask.

She nodded. "I like them separate anyways."

"How do you like them separated, my love?"

"Um. I like honey alone. I like whipped cream and honey. I like Nutella with strawberries. I like caramelized apples and honey."

"4 toppings for the 4 quadrants?" He smiled, looking at her innocence. She nods, a smile creeping on her face.

Luca piled waffles onto two plates, taking care to add the toppings exactly as she wished them on hers and leaving his plain. He despised waffles and preferred eggs and bacon, but he would eat them if that's what made her happy.

She frowned at his plain waffles. They look boring, she thought to herself, but stayed quiet. She didn't trust him enough to tell him. What if it made him mad?

Adjusting her to face him and grabbing her hand, he asked, "Okay, last game, dearest, what do you want to drink?"

"Water." Squeeze.

"Milk." Tap.

"Coffee." Tap.

"Tea." Squeeze.

"Indian tea?" She smiled and gave another squeeze. It's good that he had read that she was Punjabi yesterday. He had instructed the kitchen staff to learn how to make Indian foods, including tea.

"Slave, bring the Queen water and Indian tea, sugar on the side. Bring me a coffee and water." Luca felt a tap on his hand and looked down to see Alia with a frown on her face. What was she saying no to?

"Yes, my love?"

"Sugar doesn't go on the side, you make it with sugar in it. I can make it." She said softly, keeping her eyes trained on her fingers, that were now making circles on his hand.

"No, my Queen, you are to be served. You do not worry about such things. Slave, you heard her. Make it with the sugar in it." Luca dismissed her with his hand, and she bowed before turning into the kitchen.

"Let's eat, my love." He whispered. He began to feed her, alternating between taking a bite himself and feeding her a bite. In between her bites, he continued to encourage her, "You are doing so good, my love. My sweet, I love you." But today, Alia didn't feel the same humiliation as yesterday, she felt joy. She felt sweetness in his every bite and his words. Feeling comfort in his arms, she smiled as she made designs on his chest with her fingers, opening her mouth but keeping her eyes focused on his strong chest.

As they finished the end of their waffles, the woman returned with the Indian tea and coffee, having brought water before. Luca grabbed their beverages and placed his coffee on the table, grabbing her tea and blowing on it over and over to cool it down. As he brought it to her lips, she moved to grab the tea from him, the heat made her happy.

Sighing, Luca let go, ensuring that the mug was grasped by her firmly. She brought her cup to her face and blew on it for a while. She liked her tea pretty cold. After a few minutes, she tried the tea taking a quick sip. There was salt, instead of sugar, or something that made the tea taste terrible. Making a face, she moved to put the tea back on the table that was on her left side, but missed as her injured left hand seared in pain from the extra weight. The mug crashed on the floor, spattering hot tea all over her bare legs and Luca's pants, and their shoes.

Her Fear, His ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now