She was safe, she was his

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Luca looked down and smiled. His Queen had fallen asleep in his arms, as she should every night. Being careful to not disturb her, he gently arose and walked over to his office, carrying her in his arms. He had some work to do, but he would never let go of his love. She could go with him. As he walked down the hall, she buried herself deeper in his chest. She was cold, damn it. He hadn't even changed her soaked clothes since she came. Infuriated with himself, he quickly strode over to the office and laid her down onto the chaise lounger in his office, covering her with her velvet blanket.

Sticking his head out the door, he called, "Slaves," softly so that she wouldn't hear him. Instantly, the three people following the King from his bedroom appeared in front of him. They were trained to be silent and invisible, only appearing when summoned. It was for their own survival as well as his happiness. In his anger, a slave or two could easily be killed if they happened to be present.

Turning to the female, "Fetch the Queen some clothes. You will change her into something comfortable of mine for now, but use the sizes of the clothes she has on to purchase all forms of comfortable and royal clothing for her. Nothing is to show too much skin. You two, arrange a fire in my office and have the food brought here. I want her to be as comfortable as possible." They bowed and the female ran off to go fetch clothes for the Queen.

Moments later, she walked in holding Luca's sweatshirt and sweatpants. He rose, "Change her and come back out when you're done. Wake her and you die."

He strode out of the office. She was his, but he would wait for her permission before he touched her in that kind of way. He was no monster. The maid silently slipped out, the wet clothes a jumble in her hands. Walking back in and lifting her up, Luca went and sat back at his desk, holding his love in his arms and up to his chest as he read through many proposals.

Thirty minutes later, the food arrived on trays. Motioning for the domes to be removed, Luca gently stroked his Queen's face.

"My love." She stirred for a moment, before shooting up in his arms. Realization hit her face as she whipped around the room, ending so she was facing him, her fearful doe like eyes starting into his light blue-gray ones. "Shh, my love. I'm sorry to wake you. It's time to eat."

Motioning towards the food, her face grew in surprise as she saw what was before her. Literally every food she squeezed for was present in the trays. She stilled, not sure of how to proceed. Luckily, Luca put her out of her misery. "Do you like these foods, my Queen?" He whispered in her ear.

She squeezed his hand, and he smiled. Finally. "Slaves, serve my Queen. NOW." He announced. She frowned, she didn't like that he ordered them like this. But she was terrified of telling him.

They nodded as one picked up an empty plate and moved to stand next to her. The other two brought the dishes one by one and offered to serve them on the plate. She shook her head to the burgers and burrito, she didn't want them right now. Their eyes grew in fear as they saw her shaking head. They prayed that she would nod at something. As the third dish, cheese pizza, was brought, a smile came onto her face and she nodded. The fourth and fifth dishes, fruit and salad, were met with nods. Soon, her plate was filled, and the man holding her plate, moved to hold it so that it was in front of her, his eyes cast down. Based on where they were sitting, there was nowhere that the plate could be set so that she could reach it, so he would continue to hold it as she ate.

"Place it on my desk. I will feed her." The man silently moved to place the plate on his desk, then bowed and moved away. Luca reached for a slice of pizza and brought it to her lips. She shook her head, and he sat there perplexed. "Why, my love?"

"I can feed myself." She said firmly. This was the most bold she had been so far. He frowned, he wanted to feed her.

"No, my love, I will. You need not trouble yourself with such things. You should only rest and love me." He held the pizza in front of her. She wanted to fight him, but she was tired and hungry, so she opened her mouth and took a small bite.

Like this, bite by bite, she sat in his lap, feeling humiliated as he treated her like a small child, encouraging her between bites and stroking her hair. As she completely finished the plate, they began to bring back the remaining dishes. She shook her head. "No more," she whispered.

"Of course, my love. Your wish is my command. CLEAR THE FOOD." He called to the three still standing there.

"My Queen, was the food to your liking?" Luca asked, desperate to know. She ate it all, but was she happy? This was what he needed to know.

She squeezed his hand, "Thank you, sir." Even though she was terrified and wanted to be anywhere but here, she knew her manners.

He frowned at her response. It was only then that he realized that she had been calling him "sir". "My love, why do you call me sir? You are not below me, we are equals."

"Sorry, Mister, I don't know what else to call you," she whimpered, silently crying again. He was angry and he would punish her or some innocent.

"Oh no, my love, don't apologize. Don't cry, my delicate little flower. You can call me whatever you'd like." He rushed to soothe her and she began to hiccup.

"What's" Hiccup. "Your" Hiccup. "Name?" She asked between hiccups.

"SLAVES, Water!" He yelled out, rubbing her back. Why was she hiccuping this much? "Luca Zane Knight, my love. What's yours?"

"Alia" Hiccup. "Alia." Hiccup. "Rose." Hiccup. "Mister" Hiccup. "Knight."

Alia, what a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful queen.

"Luca, just Luca, Alia, my love." A man rushed in with a glass of water. Luca gave Alia the water sip by sip. As she drank it all, he motioned that another glass be brought. Just in case she wanted more water.

Resting her head against his chest, a wave of exhaustion passed over her. She had not been sleeping much from working so many hours, but now that she was warm and cozy, sleep was her worst enemy and most welcome foe. Murmuring, "You won't hurt me," she allowed herself to fall back asleep under the gaze of her captor, who kept whispering back to her, "Of course, I'd never hurt you, my love. Sleep, my love, my Queen. Sleep."

As she fell asleep, he smiled down at her. She recognized that he wouldn't hurt her, that was step one to her becoming his. She was fed, she was secure, she was safe, she was his.

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