info :)

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Hello! This is just a quick explanation of different hybrids and what type of world they live in. This part is pretty important in the lore but if you want to skip this part you can. :D


This book takes place in the medieval times. They live in a world where hybrids are not uncommon, but rather the opposite. There are many hybrids, some more rare than others. While many humans are still jealous, most have learned to live alongside with the creatures. All hybrid creatures go through multiple different fazes in their life some more dangerous than others, but overall the fazes tend to be pretty harmless. Hybrids may also be a mix of two other hybrids. For example, one could have the features of a goat, but also have the fazes and behavioral features of a raccoon along with the Goat fazes (this example has nothing to do with the story line).


Well, they're human innit?

Raccoon hybrid:
Raccoons hybrids are extremely stealthy and love to collect random stuff, especially if it is shiny. They often go unnoticed when collecting valuables due to their ability to sneak around.  Raccoon hybrid goes through fazes where they become extremely clingy, clinging to people or specific items.

Goat hybrid:
Goat hybrids look overall human except for they are born with small ram horns which developed as they grow older. One of the fazes they tend to go through is when they ram their horns against walls and other surfaces. This happens around the same time as the horn are growing larger and developing.

Siren hybrid:
A siren is a unique hybrid. Most sirens tend to develop their powers and such in teenage years or early adulthood. Some of their powers include persuasion by singing or manipulation and low heat resistance. Overall the siren looks human except for a few unnoticeable features such as slightly scaled skin barley noticed by anyone other than fellow sirens.

Avian hybrid:
Avian hybrids have (Usually black or white but could be any colour) wings on their backs. They are very protective of their 'flock' or family. Avians are either lucky or unlucky in their wing size. Some Avians get huge wings while others have smaller ones. The ones with smaller wings are often called Harpy's but are still considered part of the Avian family. However, due to the popularity of their feathers, sadly, there are only a few of avians still alive.

Piglin hybrid:
Piglin hybrids have the ears and tusks of a piglin, as well as their obsession for gold. Piglins have a good heat resistant and are above average at fighting skills.

Enderman hybrid:
The enderman hybrid is one of the rarest hybrid previously declared extinct. The ender man hybrid is deathly allergic to water and will burn their skin if they were to come in contact. Enderman hybrids can also teleport, but if not trained properly can be dangerous to their heath and memory.

Demon hybrid:
The Demon hybrid is one of the more powerful hybrids. Though it is unknown what the full potential of their power is. This is due to the fact that anyone who has provoked one or made them use their power hasn't come back to tell the story of what they can truly do.

Blaze hybrid:
The blaze hybrid has the power to control fire and is fire resistant. Much like the ender man, Blaze hybrids are also deathly allergic to water.

(There are others, but these are the main ones you need to know about right now ;). The rest will be explained as a part in the story)


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