chapter 2: Battle against the prince skeleton

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Boogie pov.
Damn it! That damn skeleton got her! This was not supposed to happen! We were supposed to sneak into his home and go to the exit of the ruins! I need to tell frisk. I must protect her! I went underground into his house. She must be in one of these rooms. I just hope he doesnt see me. I got into his house. I was able to find a place to hide. I see him leaving one of the rooms. Whay is he thinking? There must be a reason he kept her alive. Why didnt he killed her when she was unconscious? He planning something. I just know it. I went to the door and open it slowly. I was able to fit between the door. I closed the door. I look at frisk. She a sleep. Good she alright. Looks like he didnt hurt her. Good. She looks peaceful sleeping there. I wait here for her to wake. I can hear her talking in her sleep. Frisk: "no please dont" I can see her eyes tearing up. What happen to her? Why did she fell down here? I shouldnt ask. It would hurt her if she think about it. Why is there someone this nice here? Why was she nice to me? I'm just a flower. A dangerous flower. I guess I'll watch over her. I must keep her save. It the only thing I can do right.
Frisk POV.
"No stop!" I try to push him away. But he keeps pining me down. I can feel him taking my clothes off. ???: "you are mine! I can do what I want with you!" He too strong. Than he put something into my mouth. Than he tied my hands up. I couldn't move. I couldnt scream. I couldnt do anything. Than he opens my legs. ???: "I can do whatever I want!!" I dont this! I dont want this! "*gasp*" I shot up. I breath rapidly. Why am I having these dream! Why! He did nothing but cause me pain and suffering! Than why am I having them! I was able to leave him and try to start a new life without him or my parents. After two years of not seeing them. I was enjoying my new life. Than he found me. I can feel tears in my eyes. Why? Why me? Boogie: "frisk?" I look to my right. It boogie! "Boogie!" I jump off the bed to hug him. Boogie: "whoa. Looks like someone happy to see me" I let go. "Sorry about that" boogie: "I'm glad you are ok. I was worried when he grab you" someone grab me? "Oh. I remember! I saw a hand that looks like a skeleton hand" boogie: "that someone we must not meet. He very dangerous. We need to leave now" really? He pick me up and placed me on a comfortable bed. He must not be bad. Boogie: "there no time to explain. We need to leave now!" He open the door for me. I walk out. I look around me. Than I bumped into something. I look at who I bump into. It was a tall figure. It move to face to look at me. ???: "your awake? Are you ok?" It voice sound really dark. But I shook my head yes. ???: "that good. I was worried that you may not wake up. Let me turn on the light" than he turn on the light so I can see him. Papyrus: "my name is papyrus. I'm am the Guardian of these ruins. It been along time since a human came thought here. I found you unconscious out side of my house. I bought you inside. What do you think?" I look around. The place a bit red on the colors but it looks nice. The beds were comfortable. "It nice" he smiled. The clothes he wearing is red with black. He has a scar on his left eye. Papyrus: "you can do what you want. You can go anywhere. If you want I have food ready for you. You can stay in the room you were in" I smiled. "Thank you" than he left. I looked at boogie. He was hiding in my room. I went in. "I dont think. he that bad" boogie: "you dont understand. That how he gets you" I think boogie is over reacting. Papyrus looks creepy but he nice. Than something green was appearing into the room. "What?" It like something is in the air. Boogie: "frisk! Cover you mouth" I than feel my self getting weaker. I try to cover my mouth but I cant move my arm. "Whhat happening?" Than the door open. Papyrus: "pathetic. So easy. I should have killed you when you were a sleep" my vision was getting blurry. Papyrus: "boogie? How did you get here? No matter" he slowly walk to boogie. I tryed to stop but I cant move my arms or anything. I can feel my eyes closing. Boogie: "I'm sorry frisk" than I feel Vines come out of my stomach. Boogie killed me. I than wake up. I'm back in the room. I look at boogie. "Are we back?" Boogie: "it looks like it" papyrus was about to do something to me. "You killed me" boogie: "I know. I know I'm sorry. What he release was something that paralysed your body. I dont know what he will do to you but I didnt want it to happen" I hug boogie. "Thank you. Boogie" he was surprised. Boogie: "your not angry?" I looked at him. "How can I? You saved me from a fate I dont want to think of" he was still surprised. I dont mind. I'm glad to have a friend that cares. I went to the door again. Boogie: "are you sure? He may have other things planned" true. But maybe if I show him more kindness. He will let us go. I walk out. I than went to the lights and turn them on. He was standing infront of me. Papyrus: "oh? I didn't see you there. Are you ok?" I nodded. Papyrus: "that good. I was worried that you may not wake up. My name is papyrus. I am the Guardian of these ruins. It been a long time that a human has been though here. I found you unconscious outside of my place. I bought you inside. What do you think of the place?" I smiled. "It looks like a great place to live at" he smiled. Papyrus: "I'm glad. You can do what you want. You can go anywhere. If you want I have food ready if you want. You can stay in the room you were in" I patted my stomach. I haven't ate something the moment I fell down here. "To be honest. I am hungry" papyrus: "follow me to my kitchen" he than lead the way. I followed him. We walk into another room. This looks like a lounge. It has creepy decorations. We than got to what I believe is the kitchen. I looked behind me. I can see boogie following us. Papyrus: "you wait here. Heat it up for you and prepare the table" he move knife and saws off the table. Just seeing them has me shaking. He pull out a seat for me. I sat on it as he push me in. Than he put a plate infront of me. It has spaghetti on it. It looks good. I ate some. It taste good too. Papyrus: "do you like it?" I shook my head yes. He grab something. Papyrus: "would you like some more sauce?" I nodded. He put more sauce on. I ate more. Papyrus: "is it good?" I nodded rapidly. It so good. "It yummy!" than I feel my body stop moving. My body fell onto the floor. Papyrus: "hehehe. Are you ok? Oops. Look like my sauce his something in it" he started laughing. Papyrus: "now what should I do with you? Maybe I'll leave your body parts on the ruins walls. That will show the monsters who not to mess with" Than flower pellets were hovering over me. Papyrus turn around. Papyrus: "boogie!?" Than the flower pellets hit me right in the head. I die again. I woke up back into the room. Boogie: "again. You cant trust him frisk" I stand up. "How about we go out?" He started thinking. Boogie: "i think your right. Nothing bad will happen. After all he uses the same entrance" I than walk out and head for the doorway. I walk out. I should be alright. Than I feel someone grabbing me. Papyrus: "where do you think your going?" I tryed to escape his grab. Nothing. Papyrus: "is this how you treat being saved? I guess I'll show you what happen to ungrateful childs" than I feel something pierce my legs and arms. I couldn't see them because he was holding my face. Papyrus: "are you going to cry? How weak!" Than something Pierce my chest and my head. It was going out of my mouth. I die again. I appear back in the room. I walk out again and again. Everytime I did. I died. But every death i think of a plan. I did different things. I try talking. Didnt work. I tryed sneaking. Didnt work. Boogie try to distract him. Didnt work. Every death. I learn. I'm starting to get used to this power. Boogie wants me to hurt him. I can show him kindness. Everyone can be nice if they try. I will show boogie that. It time to do this. I walk out of the room annoy what boogie says. Once again papyrus introduces him self. He offer me food. I agree to it. I sat down. Before asked if I can have more sauce. I ate the whole things in one bite. It was so good but I need to focus. He than offer to hear what he wants to show me. I remember how he push me into the fire places. I shook no. I than grab a book and want him to show me what it is. He sat down as I kept standing. If I sit down he will send something at me from behind. After while of him trying to trick me. I was able to survive to the end. Papyrus: "impressive! You managed to dodge all my tricks! I never thought you would figure it out! Than your your ready!" Than he stood up. Papyrus: "those traps are a test! I want to see if you figure it out! Just like the other humans! Now we are going to fight!" ......what!? All of that! Just to fight him!! I cant believe this! Papyrus: "in the hallway is stairs that leads to the exit of the ruins! I'll be down there! Come when your ready!!" Than he left. I fell onto my knees. I cut believe this. I have to fight him. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. Boogie: "are you alright" i dont know if I am. I'm lost for words. Boogie: "the way out is thought papyrus. Let go frisk" I didnt move. I know I will die again and again. I dont want to go thought with it. The pain. I dont want to go thought with it. Boogie: "frisk. I know you want to stop. But you come too far. We must leave the ruins. You come too far to give up now!" He right. If I gave up. Everything i did now will be for nothing. I wiped away the tears. I went to the room. Boogie: "frisk? Where are you going?" I found the save point. Boogie: "there was a save point here?" I nodded. I saved. "The feeling of dieing over and over fills you with pain. But it also fills you with determination!" I than left the room and walk down stairs. I walk down a long hallway. I turn a corner and see papyrus standing infront of a door. I walk to him. Papyrus: "so you are ready? This door behind me leads to the escape of the ruins. I face many humans before. They were able to get behind me and thought the door. But today I will be stopping you here! If you want to win! You must beat me!" He than summon bones infront of the door. They were dripping with blood. Than the area went dark.
(Battle start)
Boogie climb onto my arm. Boogie: "I forgot to mention something. If you want to see monster status chose check" I nodded. I chose check. "Papyrus. Executioner of the ruins. He ready to kill you. Be ready for his blue attacks" blue attacks? What does that mean? Papyrus: "boogie? It been awhile. It weird how you are helping a human. You always were the type to run away!" Than he send sharp bones at me. Alot of them. I was able to dodge them without getting hit. Boogie: "what your next move?" I push spare. It surprised both papyrus and boogie. Papyrus: "what are you doing?" He send more bones at me with above. I got by some of them taking my hp down to 16. I chose spare again. Papyrus: "why are you not fight!" Than he made bones appear under me. I was able to dodge them. I chose spare again. Papyrus: "it point least to show mercy! If you dont fight! I will show you no mercy!!" Than he send more bones. I got hit by them taking my hp down to 10. I chose spare. Than bones are appearing from under and above me. I ran into the ones coming from under me. My hp went to zero. I die again.
"Dont not gave up. The fate of the monsters depends on you! Stay determination!" I woke up. I been hearing that voice everytime I die in battle. What does it mean? Doesnt matter. For now I need to get out of here. I went back down and got into a fight with papyrus again. I die again and again. I tryed to run to the door. Boogie try to get them out of my way but there was no time. Than boogie try to kill papyrus. Papyrus killed him and me too. Papyrus than turn my soul blue and slam me down head first. My crack my head open. Every death I get closer to figure out how his attacks works. I have die again. Boogie: "frisk I cant think of anyway to win! If you keep on showing mercy it will do nothing but repeat the same thing over and over. I cant bear to watch you die over and over. I wish I was strong" he started tearing. I wipe away the tears. "I know what you mean. But I know he nices. I just need him to know that I wont fight her no matter what" boogie look at me. I know he think of i can't be serious but I'm dead serious. I always have been like that. Showing kindness to other that people says doesnt deserve it. Everyone can be nice of they just try. I went back down stairs to face papyrus again. But this time I know his everymove.
(Battle start)
I chose spare. Once again he is surprised. He send his bone attacks at me. I dodge them. I than chose spare again. More bones attacks from above. I dodge them. I chose spare again. He send bones under me. I dodge them too. I chose spare. He than send bones from my left and right. I dodge them. I chose spare again. He looks at me very confused. I need to keep going. Than he send more from above and under. I dodge them too. He than made my soul blue. I remember that I get push down. I can jump and move side to side but only to the bottom corner. I was able to jump over his attacks. I chose spare again. He looks at me trying to understand me. He than send bones from both of my sides. I was able to time my jumps and jump in the opening. I chose spare again. He look like he getting angry. He send blue bones at me. If I remember I need to stand still. I remember trying to run though them because I thought they were a hologram. I die alot from them. That how far I gotten in this battle. But no matter what. I'll show mercy to every monster in the underground. I dodge them all. I chose spare. Papyrus: "what are you being nice! Do you not know how to fight! Here I'll stand still and you can hit me! Go! Do it!!" He didnt do this before. What should I do? I than walk up to him and hug him. He was surprised. Really surprised. Papyrus: "what are you doing?" I didnt listen I still keep hugging him. He ready bones to stab me in the back. Boogie: "frisk!" I didnt listen. I still keep hugging him. Than they disappeared. He than couch down. Papyrus: "why are you kind to me?" I didnt say anything. All I did was flash him a smile. He was surprised. I than see tears coming out of his eyes. He wrap his arms around me as I feel his tears on my shoulder. I smiled and hug him more as his hug tighting. He than let go and wipe away the tears. Papyrus: "you show mercy. It my turn to show you mercy" he name went yellow. I than spare him and ended the battle.
(You won! You got 50g and 0 exp!)
He made his bones that was blocking the door way disappear. Papyrus: "the ruins are not safe for a kind human like you. I think you should leave and never return" than he pull something out. Papyrus: "this is a phone. Every monster in the underground will have one. I put my number on it but I wont able to contract you or you wont able to contract me as you are outside if the ruins. Something is blocking the signal. But I want you to know that there are more dangerous monsters out there. Ones that will kill you no matter what." than he walked past me. Papyrus: "I wish you luck human. And I hope you will be save. Boogie you must protect her no matter what!" Boogie nodded. I wave goodbye. Papyrus: "bye human. I'm glad to have met you" than he disappeared. I open the door and walk though it. I appeared in area that looks like the one where I met boogie. Boogie: "you did it. You actually did it!" He than hug me. Or I think it a hug. Boogie: "for years I try to leave the ruins. But he always stop me. Now we can finally leave" i nodded. "I told you he is kind" boogie: "your right. I guess all it takes is someone with a kind heart" I smiled. I want to ask why are monsters like this. But I guess I'll ask some other day. I reach to a door. This is it. I'm going to be somewhere new. I'm ready for anything that happen. I saw a save point and saved it. I than went and open the door. A flash of light happen.


Chara: "hey guys. Liqud right now is heading to bed. So me and frisk are here"
Frisk: "liquid made sure to put in as many brutal parts in this. I guess that's how storyfell work?"
Chara: "I dont know. I never knew that there was a story different to mine. I guess the fans like making different timelines. Anyway we may as well finish this off. Thank you for reading"
Frisk: "we hope you enjoy this"
Chara: "we hope to see you all in the next chapter"
Chara and frisk: "peace!"
Chara: *kiss frisk*
Frisk: *blush and started making out with chara*
Liquid: keep it down would you two?

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