Step one to justice for Mari

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Pepper's Pov

After getting Sabine 's number from Tony I called her and heard a slighty thick french accent once she picked up , I then said "hello ,name is Pepper Potts ,im TonyStark 's wife and assistant along legal consultant he has explained the situtation to me about Marinette on whats she going through with the school system and at home as well im here to help both of you and our daughter " she told Sabine , Sabine said " Thank you so much Tony suggested i get her out of that environment as quickly as possible but with her ladybug and hawkmoth still terrorizing paris i cant get her out just yet not unitl he  has been defeated  plus im definitely divorcing Tom so i need to talk a divorce lawyer so i can file because theres no way im staying with a rapist whos touched my daughter and let his friends do the same im curently leting my daughter stay with friends until i get home then she and i are moving out ."  Just listening to her talk about what Tony suggested for her to do and what is up in the air  for plans of motion regarding her mental health and wellbeing over all  due to all the pain shes been put through since she was little  i say after a while of silence " I completely understand with the ladybug situation and im glad shes currently not with  Tom right now  i know having to deal with that as a child and having to continue to relive it is very traumatizing  so if you want i can help you build a case  against tom , the school , her classmates and all those who have abused your daughter so you dont have to find another lawyer plus you can work on getting your daughter's health back in tact and getting her to open or even just think about going to therapy " i think to myself " hopefully this helps so she doesnt too much stress especially since Tony told me shes currently not in paris right now she was at  bakery convention ."

Sabine's Pov

After hearing with Tony's wife Pepper had to say and listening to her give me some options so we could get my marigold out of that toxic environment and get her  some help because from my understanding is Tom has been touching her since she was little  yet i should have realized that my precious angel was hurting when i would get home she would cling to me like a koala as if she was afraid i would leave again without realizing it i started crying while still on the phone with Pepper  i softly say in response to her suggestion " yes i would like to do that  also what would i do about the bakery its techinally under my name on the lease  although the name is Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie " I asked her so i can figure out what to do about it since i want to move and if i have to start over then so be it .

3rd pov
Meanwhile over across the ocean 3628 miles away in Paris , France
Marinette was in the arms of her true friends whimpering from the aftermath of Lila's sheep attacking her over Leila's words and what she didn't know is her uncles , aunts , mom and anyone who cares about her knows what is going on even her biological father and her new uncles and aunts .

Juleka had called Jagged after they reached Chloé's hotel room and while Luka , Kagami and Chloe tended to Mari , Max , Nino , Kim and Alix looked at all the evidence they all gathered on Lila and by association her sheep as they prepared for war because you don't mess with marinette and get away with it not on their watch .

Things will began to fall in place and soon mari will be able to finally get some help adults will actually do their jobs and be actual adults .

Luka's pov
Seeing Melody in this state again hurts my heart and her song feels trapped and broken all because of those imbeciles and their stupid wannabe queen . I hate seeing her like that especially broken she doesn't deserve that . They have hurt her for the last time and if she wins the contest to Gotham we can even get Mr Wayne to help us once we explain plus we can defeat Hawkmoth so she can finally be able express her emotions without being emotional compressed due to an emotional terrorist.

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