Chapter 2

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It's been a month since I didn't tell Ezra about the baby and we broke up. I'm about a month and half along so I'm not really showing yet. Only the girls know so far, except my parents. Of course, they freaked and kicked me out of my only home. So currently, I live at Hanna's.

In that month, 'A' has given me interesting news about Malcolm. Like the fact that he's not Ezra's.

I'm buying groceries for Mrs. Marin as a thank you when I see Ezra in the store. Malcolm isn't there but Maggie is, and she is shopping for more than groceries. She's in the dairy section with Ezra, and I mean WITH Ezra. They are making out against the shopping cart. Good to know they have no problem with disgusting PDA. 

I can't believe it's only been a month and he's already over me. That stung. I thought what we had was real and he's just over it like I never happened. 

I act casual and walk past them accidentally bumping into Maggie.

"Oh, sorry." I say, not looking up as if I don't know who it is I walked into to.

"Aria?" Ezra says a bit shocked. I look up at his stunned, embarrassed face and I want to punch him. 

"Ezra? Maggie? Oh hey, how've been?" I say, trying my hardest not to burst into tears.

"Great really, really great." Maggie says, resting her hand on top of Ezra's on the shopping cart handle.

"That's fantastic." I say and rush away. I can't stand her, him, them, whatever anymore. It's too hard to see him with someone else. I open my purse and look for a tissue and see I still have the pregnancy tests in there, all three of them. I feel someone tap my shoulder.

I see his face as I turn around. "Hi Ezra." 

"Aria, what's going on with you? How have you been?" He asks.

"Honestly, not so good. My parents kicked me out so I'm living at Hanna's and-" He cuts off my sentence. Rude. 

"Why did they kick you out? When? You've been acting really strange. You broke up with me for no reason-" I cut him off this time.

"I have a very good reason." He looks like he wants me to elaborate. "I didn't want us to be around Maggie and Malcolm all the time."

"Who's us?" God, can he take no hints?

I have to tell him now. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. "I'm pregnant, Ezra. I've known since that day. I was going to tell you, but then you sprang the whole living together thing on me and I freaked out."

"''re sure?" He says quietly.

"Yes, positive. My parents forced me out when I told them so now I'm living with Hanna and her mom." I explain.  

"You should come live with me." He says. Yeah, right.

"Sure! I would love to bunk with Malcolm while listening to you and Maggie making a second child!" I say sarcastically. "I have to go." I say, leave my cart there in the middle of the aisle and just walk out.

Thanks to everyone who commented and voted!

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