... I Think We Are...

Start from the beginning

"What else do you want? I am here in front of you asking and begging you to be with me. I told you I still love you, that I want to be with you. And you still don't want to date me. So why? Why won't you date me?!"



"YOU BROKE ME INTO A MILLION PIECES! NOT TO MENTION I HAD NO ONE BY MY SIDE WHEN I WOKE UP IN THAT HOSPITAL ROOM. MY BEST FRIEND AND MY MOM TOLD ME THAT I WAS PREGNANT AND LOST IT. NOT TO MENTION THAT MY HEATS ARE OUT OF CONTROL, AND I TAKE ANT-DEPRESSION MEDS, AND MEDS FOR MY HEATS SO THEY CAN BE REGULATED AND SO MY SCENT DOESNT GO CRAZY. YOU... You broke me *sobs* all I wanted was to be with you! But you chose yourself over me! How the hell do I know that you won't do the same thing again. *sobs* And god forbid that we had a kid and you left me. I can't go through that again. I won't be able to live. *sobs* I may love you but loving you is what hurts me the most, and I can't do that again. *sobs*"

"Izu I-"

"I love you Kat. .. But *sobs* how do you expect me to believe you that you actually want me. How do you expect me to feel when we have had no contact for 7 years then all of a sudden we do and we magically get back together as if nothing happened? *sniff*"

"Izu that's not what I meant."

"What did you mean then?"

"I know that the last 7 years haven't been easy for you but hear my side for a second and I'll tell you what I meant."


"When we broke up, I couldn't stop crying. I barely could hold it together during class. But every time I saw you it felt as if I would die from not being with you. I had no control of my emotions, for over a year my ruts were irregular and a bit painful like if I was missing something. I tried so hard to get over you but I couldn't. I mean how could I? You are the only person that I have ever loved. And for a while I hated myself for it because it was my fault that we broke up. Mine, no one else's mine. That night all I wanted was to be with you and tell you I was sorry and of course I would rather be outed with you than be closeted alone. But.. I couldn't, at the time I was to much of a coward to actually say anything. I was such a mess that Mina, Momo, and Jiro caught me crying. And I know life has been worse for you over the years. Then all this happens, then I tell you I love you and want to be with you, but .. I don't want to start where we left off. That would be asking for a disaster. I want to start over, we are completely different now than we were 7 years ago. We have jobs and we are responsible adults, and I know we will never have a fresh start but a new start is better than having the one from when we were 17.

(Bakugou was about to turn 18 when they got together)


"You want a new start?"

"Something along those lines."

"Okay. What about the whole fated mates thing?"

"Well if we're not then we're not. Nothing we can do about it. But I love you either way."

"Okay then how do we find out if we're fated?"

"Like I said before, I think we need a medical specialist."

"Then how do we find one?"

"I'll make some calls to some people I know and see who is a specialist in the field."

"Okay. So what do we do in the mean time?"

"Well let me make some calls and then we can talk so more if that's okay?"

"Yeah it's fine my mom won't be back till later so.."

"Okay. Can I use your room real quick"

"Uh yeah go ahead."

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