Sales Marketing

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In this chapter we're going to discuss about marketing your way to sales. So your company is in the business of marketing other people's business online. So in other words it's your job to drive more business to them via the Internet.

It makes sense then that you do the same with your own business. The first place you should start is with your web site. And if you do nothing else with your own marketing nothing else. Have a great Web site and having a great Web site can get a little more specific.

And let me give you just a couple examples to help you. First of all you already know your niche. Unless your business is built on providing video and content marketing and services for pest control companies' right you've niche down on your service and you have niche down on that particular industry video and content and for pest control.

So you should have this all over your web site. In fact you can even break down your term a target demographic more and then have a page dedicated on your Web site. So for example take a look at these pages. You can have your web site dot com forward slash Video Marketing for you.

Obviously you see what's happening there. You see that those are key word that are right there in your l of that page and then on that page you're going to include some other things. I hope you get the picture with what I'm saying right there. But let me just show you some other things that you should include on these pages.

Each of these pages acts as a landing page for your site. So if you have nothing else you should at least include a video. Easy to read and easy to read copy. And also you want to put a lot of keywords in those copy.

You want to have great contact information there phone e-mail or any other social links if you want and you want to have a huge call to action with that contact form and that contact form then Information think they're going to go to your sales staff or a sales manager or restrict you even if you have a sales manager.

I would make sure that you get copied on those just so you can see that your own efforts are paying off. You could also choose to include testimonials from other pest control companies that you've held in different cities. Of book it's a good practice to never take on two clients that are in the same business in the same city or region.

So you can even use this actually as a selling point to let them know that they're safe for you. And actually in fact it can sometimes create a kind of a scarcity mind-set in your prospect if you let them know that you only work with one client in a given industry and city.

So if you're discussing to other similar prospects let them know this. Just be sure to be real. It is really easy to get cheesy with it saying well you know we're only working with one dentist in this area so you better hurry and sign up with us. Otherwise we're discussing to a couple guys down the street that can be really cheesy real fast.

You want to be real straight up and don't abuse that tactic and always be 100% genuine.

And don't be a cheesy sales person you're not going to get very far that way. So what you can do to just supplement your website content of book. Again if you do nothing else. Have a great Web site. But then you want to also supplement your website content with other marketing including the social media content marketing and video marketing.

Everything you want is to be sure that you're firing on all cylinders with your own online marketing effort. If you do everything right with your web site and then with your other marketing you will get leads. I can tell you it's a great feeling waking up to a new lead in your e-mail inbox.

There's no limit actually to how much you can scale this. You could potentially feed your entire state sales team leads every day from your own online marketing efforts. So get started as soon as possible and driving traffic to your site. Track your efforts just grow.

Make whatever changes you need to get rid of the stuff that's not working. Keep the stuff that is working and then this is just yet another reason to ditch down because you will quickly be able to corner an industry online as your own. So this is just an example somebody might be doing this with the pest control and video marketing.

If not and that's something that you're interested in you might check it out. You might try is probably going to be easier to get to rank in Google and be able to drive leads that way than it would be for something as more generic or more general. So that's that for this.

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