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This OC belongs to PrincessWidget

Name┃ Swiftstride

5/5 Honestly, I love that word- Swift. It's so nice. The name fits together well, and it tells you a little bit about her, which is what a good name should do.

Gender┃ Female

All right.

Clan┃ ThunderClan

Nice, and great job remembering the proper capitalization! ThunderClan is rather commonly used, but there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

Rank┃ Senior Warrior

Love to see it!

Age┃ About 72 moons (The equivalent of being about 50, according to the chart I found)

My chart says 40, but it's not an exact science! (I typically use the one at icatcare.org, so we may be looking at different things!) Either way, good on you for doing the research. 

Appearance┃ A battle-worn calico, who has lost her sight due to being blinded in battle

12/15 All right! There's not much here to judge upon, but it seems all right. So she's blind in both eyes?

I can't quite say if this is genetically accurate lol, but I'll assume! I would love to hear a bit more. Calicos are great, by the way, my cat is one! They're absolutely beautiful.

Personality┃ Somewhat stubborn at times, but generally calm and strategic. Not one to be bossed around by someone she doesn't respect, and will always be the first to stand up to unjust authority. Just because she's old and blind doesn't mean she's a pushover.

Love a good elderly character! If she gets a bit more development, she would be a good protagonist that defies cliché. She seems an ENTJ (Myers-Briggs, look it up if you want! Most of the traits you mentioned are in the description), which might make her a bit impatient and arrogant, as well as charismatic and inspiring.

Honestly, I really like this!

Backstory┃ Well... I use this character for a variety of things, so I haven't really got any backstory for other than that she was blinded in battle, but refused to retire to the elders den, and is now a respected senior warrior despite her disability.

Okay, this is a good base to build on. I would suggest tying her traits into it if you do write it!

Maybe set up something that would cause her to be stubborn and strategic- maybe something happened as a kit, which forced her to 'grow up' quickly and be responsible, which has carried over to her adulthood. 

Maybe she has little respect for authority because they once had a tyrannical leader. 

Maybe her mentor blatantly slandered the leadership, and was paranoid or something similar that forced her to be the level-headed one- although she did inherit his disrespect.

Maybe she once had something right that may have saved someone, but she let it go. Then and there, she may have vowed to always hold on to her ideals- hence her being stubborn.

Just some ideas!

Random Fun Fact [From PrincessWidget]┃All blue eyed cats have at least mostly white fur, and 65-85% of blue eyed cats are deaf. However, this is not ALL of them. There are blue eyed cats who can hear just fine!

100% correct! It's also true of cats with heterochromia (fun fact: heterochronic cats always have one blue eye) that they're usually deaf in the corresponding ear. 

I felt like saying this because I'm putting a white furred, blue eyed, not deaf cat in my latest Warriors book, and I might submit him here. And I also just wanted to inform people.

Nothing wrong with that! So long as you know what you're talking about, that's perfectly fine.

Swiftstripe has a pretty good start! There's a lot more to be developed, but you've got a foundation. Sorry for the delay on my review!

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