18 | Behind The Lines

Start from the beginning

"Who would've thought…"

I walked into the convenience store, feeling the loud thump of my heart, still wearing the big smile that she made me do. 

Let's continue the story, Minjeong.


As soon as I heard from Sunoo that Minjeong is looking for me, I immediately dropped all the papers that I'm holding.

Why didn't he tell me earlier? Mindoongie could've been waiting there for so long.

"Hey." I greeted her with a smile. I'm really feeling tired today. And I'm glad that she came here. It feels like a rest when I see her face.

"H-hi, Yuji." She stuttered.

She's so cute. 

I pulled her gently inside and we both went to my office. 

I offered her coffee and water, completely forgetting that I actually have a snack here inside my office. I only realized it when Minjeong mentioned lunch.

And yes, I have snacks. 

But not for me. 

It's for Minjeong. 

It may be an impulsive decision for me to hoard chocolates (only chocolates because the gummies ran out) just because Minjeong and I got closer…again. But I don't care. My girl likes snacks, so I'll give her lots of it.

My girl. 

I smiled. 

I can't wait for it to be true one day. 

I placed the chocolates on Mindoongie's lap and smiled, patting her head after that. 

"Eat well, Puppy."


I am here, in front of the convenience store. Again.

Why? For the same reason. It's always because of one reason.

Kim Minjeong.

I haven't seen her for weeks—Well, I do, but only a glimpse. I was busy, she was busy, we never got to meet each other. 

And I don't know what I'm supposed to do. It feels like she's running away. Running away from me. 

I don't know where she lives or her number so I can't really do anything but to wait for her at school. However, It became useless since she's always out of reach.

So here I am again, leaning on my car, standing in front of the convenience store, putting it all in fate's hands again.

I want to see her. I want to be with her again. 

And it didn't fail me. 

Because I'm seeing her now. A few meters away from me. She's standing there and looking at me too. 


It has been so long.


"Okay, last question. And it's not about Kim Minjeong."

"Go on."

Sunoo squealed. "What's going on between you and Aeri?"

I smiled. "Me and Aeri?"

What about me and Aeri? We're just friends.

"Yes! I saw you both getting really close with each other. I ship it, a little."

"Nothing is going on, Sunoo."

"But is there like, a chance? Because you look cute together!"

I smiled widely. "Sunoo…"

"What?" He eagerly asked.

"I think me and Minjeong would look cute together." 

Sunoo had this perplexed look on his face as soon as I dropped the bomb which made me chuckle.

"Is it really surprising? I thought I'm already being obvious. You were even weirded out when I stopped my work just for Mindoongie." I said, remembering the first time that Minjeong went here in my office.

Sunoo had a weird look on his face back then, I think Mindeongie also noticed that too.



"No joking?"

"I don't see her as a joke, Sunoo." Mindoongie is more than that.

Sunoo gaped at me. "That was one hell of a revelation, Secretary."

I couldn't help but to laugh.


"Do you like her?"

"What if I do?"

My breath hitched, and I took a step closer again. "Go home, Miss Yizhuo. Mindoongie is sleeping right now."

"What about you?"

"As you can see, I'm going home too." 

I saw Ningning glanced at the door behind me, before looking back at me. "Fine." 

She walked away, and I followed. Before I could even get into my car, I heard Ningning said something.

"You? Do you like her?"

I  halted back from entering my car. 

I turned to Ningning, giving her a taunting look.

"And what if I do?"

I would never back down.

I don't know how much time she have spent with Mindoongie already, but that doesn't matter. 

I would never let Minjeong go. Not again. Not for her. 


Aeri and I are friends. 

At least, that's what I thought.

I'm never the one to analyze things deeply. I go with the flow most of the time. I wasn't the one to overthink about things so much. The last time I did that was with Minjeong.

I think she's the only one who made me do that, actually.

She really has a big effect on me and I don't think she knows that.

Going back, I thought that my relationship with Aeri was clear. There's no romantic feelings and it's pure platonic. 

But I didn't think that I was the only one who's thinking of that. 

Because when I heard her confession in front of all these people, in front of our friends, in front of Minjeong, I was too shocked to even give a reaction.

I was just standing there and looking at her, and I didn't even notice that Minjeong was already getting away from me. 

I recovered from my shock and I tried to call her. I shouted her name, but she never looked back. She walked away completely.

With Ningning.

And that's when I knew that I got it bad. 

I need to fix this.

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