17 • The past

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Wooyoung's POV :
I opened my eyes slowly feeling mouvement which made me tense up
'' easy there , it's just me '' i looked up meeting san's eyes , he was warmly smiling at me
'' you really slept well'' he chuckled and i sat up rubbing my eyes with my fists
'' what time is it ? '' i asked and he turned his screen to me making me whine at the blinding light
'' sorry sorry , it's 11:56 '' he replied
'' you skipped the classes ? '' i asked surprised and he laughed
'' it's the week-end silly '' i hummed laying back down , until i realized i was laying next to the choi san , his arm around my shoulders
'' ahm '' i coughed sitting up again but he pulled me back
'' nothing to be shy of '' he shrugged turning his phone on '' look at yeosang '' he chuckled and i reached for his phone , they apparently spent a wonderdul date
'' i was worried for nothing then ''i smiled happy for my best friend .
'' what do you want to do today ? '' san asked and i just shrugged looking at yeosang's picture with seonghwa
'' wanna go out ? '' he asked turning his phone off and i gulped
'' we will just have some fun and be back '' he said and i nodded. After all , he has been so patient with me
'' alright then , get dressed '' he jumped off the bed making me chuckle.
After putting on some clothes , i walked to put on my eyeliner but the mirror was broken
'' what's the pout for ? '' san asked and i just kept looking at the broken pieces
'' i can do it for you '' he smiled walking to me , he leaned back on the sink and pulled me toward him frol the waist
I handed him the crayon and he kept looking at me
''what are you waiting for ? '' i asked crossing my arms over my chest
'' how about not wearing it today ''he suggested and i immediately refused
'' i can't go out without it '' i reached for my make-up item but he hide it behind his back
'' give it a try woo '' he tried but i just kept shaking my head not even paying any attention to him . I look so childish god .
I froze when he stopped my head mouvement by holding my jaw with one hand
'' stop . '' he said strictly making me gulp before his facial expression softened '' you look pretty wooyoung , it's not bad to try . But i am not gonna force you '' he finished handing me the eyeliner and left the bathroom
I stood there fighting the feeling of putting in it on .
When i walked out of there with my bare face , he smiled at me and hugged me
'' proud of you baby '' he whispered patting my hair and i pushed him away jokingly , secretly loving the feeling .
'' let's go '' he held my hand and we walked out of the dorms.
We went to one of the near cafeterias
'' what do you want ? '' he asked me showing his cute dimples
'' i dont' know most of the drinks . I only know the iced americano '' i admitted . I am used to having it to stay awake .
'' well i will recommend something for you '' san sang calling for the waiter
'' i will have two strawberry milkshakes and two apple pies '' he ordered and the waiter wrote it down before leaving .
When i heard the door's ring , i reached for san's hand and held it tightly looking behind me , i let a sigh out and turned back
'' you good ? '' san asked caressing my hand and i nodded '' want to talk about yesterday ? '' he asked and i nodded . It's not fair to hide the truth from him and having him face all of this .
'' take your time '' he smiled and i started
'' when i was a young boy , i grew up with both my parents , my mom was a housewife meanwhile my dad was a doctor . At least that's what we thought . I was a happy kid , i went to school , enjoyed drawing and showing my parents my work . Dad didn't come home often . One night , we were waken up by loud knocking on the door , it was 2 a.m . My mom opened the door to face two policemen , they asked about my dad and when my mom wanted to know what was it about '' i stopped feeling the tears burn in my eyes . San stood up and walked to sit by my side and made me lean on him
'' they -they said dad was accused of kidnapping and murder , my mom denied it strongly telling them how my dad was a life savor , but suddenly one of them fell to the ground dead by a bullet in the head '' i started crying remembering the awful scene '' soon after the second man was killed too , and the killer was no one else than my dad , the man i always admired . He walked into the house like nothing happened , my mom was scared to death so she started yelling for me to run out of the house , i was terrefied and couldn't move , she kept yelling my name till he - he shoot her in the mouth '' i sobbed hidding in san's chest
'' wooyoung-ah , breath , it's fine , you are safe i promise '' he tried pulling me away gently to catch my breath but i just kept holding into him
'' he abondonned me in Seoul , i lived in the streets for months , till a nice lady took me in and raised me for 9 years but died and i-i have no one now '' at this point i couldn't even breath correctly
'' let's go out for a minute baby '' san whispered , taking me outside
'' look at me woo , take deep breath , in ... And out '' he demonstrated '' just like that '' he held me close and i just listened to his heartbeat till i was fully calm
'' now baby , you are not alone woo , you have me , you have hwa , yeosang , hongjoong , we are all here for you , keep that in mind '' he smiled pressing a kiss on my forehead and u closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of being loved .
We went in again and san made sure to change the topic and cheer me up , and he didn't fail .
After paying , we were about to go shopping , when my phone rang
'' hey sang '' i greeted
'' wooyoung '' his voice seems so serious '' you are called to the administration urgently ''

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