A plain and boring room

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I peeked through the blinds and I hoped whoever came in was Kikyou.. or anyone that's not Ayanokouji. It'd just be so awkward to explain why I was here in the first place. And of course, Kamisama showed yet again how much he hated me because the person who entered the room wasn't Kikyou nor was it any of the people I wanted it to be, it was Ayanokouji.

Now I was mentally panicking. I saw him remove his shoes and place them somewhere visible but still aside. He didn't seem to notice the pair of shoes I placed behind the vase. He walked near the table that connected his bedroom and the kitchen. I noticed that he was holding a small plastic bag in his right hand. Without a thought, he placed the items he bought on the table. He looked like he just came home from buying something from the convenience store. He had the same unbothered eyes I'd always see in class.

Ugh, why am I even hiding!? I put a hand to my chest to hear my heartbeat. I should just come clean and tell him I had been here. I mentally slapped myself. But wouldn't that make this even more awkward? What am I going to do!?

I peeked and saw Ayanokouji take his blazer off and remove his tie. My eyes followed his every movement until I saw him plop down his bed. He looked like he was tired but I couldn't read his expression at all. It was as if he was an emotionless statue.

I nervously closed my eyes and prayed that someone would come out that door, but no one did. When I opened my eyes again, I scanned the room for a clock. Thankfully half of it was in the field of my vision, it was 4:32 PM.

For now, I relied on my sight and hearing. In my peripheral vision, I saw Ayanokouji start to move. He was now half-sitting on his bed looking deep in thought. I peeped again and watched as he pushed his hair back. For a brief moment, he looked like he was contemplating on doing something but again, with his emotionless face, I really wasn't sure. I removed my hand from my chest but I could still hear my heart racing.

My eyes suddenly widened as I see him start to unzip his pants. Oh my God no! I covered my mouth and tried to calm myself. Trying my best not to make any noise. Am I going to witness something unholy? (A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

I wanted to look away but curiosity (A/N: Horniness) got the best of me. My eyes were focused on his hands. I feel like if I look at him in the face, I wouldn't be able to live. I felt like I was committing a major sin. He began to pull his boxers down to reveal his (redacted). I saw how it wasn't fully erect yet but with just a few strokes, it grew even bigger. I couldn't help but notice how impressive his size was, well not that I would even have the experience to compare him to other guys—

I wanted to so badly close my eyes but instead my eyes finally landed on his face. I couldn't avoid it. I was curious. I expected he'd still be wearing his poker face or maybe even a really disgusting perverted face but the face he made was probably something that made girls' knees go weak. O-Of course, I have strong knees. This isn't going to phase me.

I immediately ate all the words I said internally because this man made a few noises that I'd never imagined him letting out. He looked like he was out of breath, breathing heavily and letting out a groan from time to time. He looked frustrated as he stroked and I couldn't help but find his out-of-character seductive and almost lost-in-pleasure gaze look sexually appealing. It wasn't at all hot in the room, I believe he even turned the AC on when he got in. But I could feel the temperature rise because of what I was witnessing and I also couldn't help but feel something weird down my nether regions.

I indulged myself in watching him, biting my lip as he pulled his hair back using his left hand and stroked his cock using the right. I noticed that his breathing got a bit heavier and even saw him stretch his legs as if he was readjusting or preparing for climax. I could hear the lewd sounds his strokes were making and I couldn't help but slide a hand down my skirt. I felt my fingers get wet and slippery when I reached down there. Just touching my clit sent a tingling sensation down my spine and I could feel the fluids slowly gush out my vagina.

I continued watching him while I was touching myself. With each stroke, I hear him let out a raspy groan. I tried not to move too much as he'd notice the curtains moving. I don't want to be caught in such an indecent way. What if he hated girls like me? or what if he saw my scar? What if things escalated and he'd find a way to endanger me? My high school life would be over.

Despite all the troubling thoughts and mixed emotions, my brain wasn't dominating the field. I was thinking with my pussy and I was melting under this temporary feeling. I peeked at him again and saw him gently thrust the air as he prepared for climax. His eyes were focused and he had a lustful expression. I wonder what he was thinking of? or rather, who was he fantasizing about? I was a bit disappointed that he'd be finished soon but still, I hungrily watched in anticipation.

Ayanokouji got a piece of tissue from his tissue box which I hadn't noticed was sitting perfectly on his desk near the bed. I could tell he was used to this as he immediately but gently wrapped the head of his cock with the thin tissue. He stroked and let out one last groan before unloading his seed on it. I closed my eyes, focusing my attention on myself as I desperately wanted to orgasm as well. All I could hear were his faint breaths and the mental image of him masturbating flooded my internal vision. A few unholy thoughts of him being on top of me also slipped through my mind.

There it is, ugh. I felt it coming as I continued to rub my clit, making sure I kept up with my rhythm and lowered my breathing and moans. I covered my mouth with my other hand. I was even almost at the point of not caring at all if he heard me, I just wanted to cum. Come on... I felt it coming slowly...

God, I'm almost there...



My breathing got heavier and I opened my eyes to look back at what Ayanokouji was doing. I wanted to cum seeing his expression.

When my eyes fluttered open, the curtains were suddenly set aside and I met the coldest brown eyes. Ayanokouji's devilish eyes were staring right back at me.

Right. Back. At. Me.

With one last rub, I let out a yelp of surprise and climaxed. I fell to my knees as I shamelessly orgasmed on the ground. I-I have no idea how I managed to cum but I felt huge ecstasy all over my body and I began to convulse afterwards. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I probably made a very lewd face in front of him but it didn't matter.

All my brain could process was the pleasure I was feeling and all I could feel was how good it felt to stimulate my clit. I could still feel myself slightly shaking from it. The timing couldn't be more perfect. I let myself focus on the present and set my worries for later. For now, I have someone eye-ing me lustfully and I can't help but feel another orgasm coming.

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