truths and the future²⁷

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"we were planning to go back to visit jaemin soon," renjun informed kun. "we can take you along with us to see him."

kun's eyes shone. "i would love that."

"great!" renjun said with a smile before his voice dropped to a whisper. "i actually have something to ask."

"ask about what?"

"erm..." renjun took a deep breath. "it's been on my mind a lot lately... who was my second parent?"


yangyang looked out the window, seeing the school's huge football field. class was nearly ending; he knew for sure since he kept checking his watch every few seconds.

after a few moments quick moments, his eyes tore away from the outside and were back on his watch, seeing that only a minute had gone by. as he looked away, his eyes wandered over to lee dongwon.

he was just... perfect. he had black hair and ridiculously smooth skin, his eyes just the right shade of brown. he was also tall and looked great in the school uniform. he was focusing hard on what the teacher was teaching them and yangyang couldn't help but swoon.

there was a few times yangyang knew about him: dongwon was half-japanese and spoke the language, was a great and talented artist, really, really smart, and... probably had feelings for yukhei, who didn't even like him back.

the thought itself dampened his mood. but if he forgot the clear obvious reality right in his face, he felt a little better. yangyang made sure his gaze didn't linger for too long before looking back at his watch — class was good as over at this point.

which he ended up being right with the bell ringing. he picked his backpack off the back of his chair and exited the classroom. he was heading straight for the outside doors when he heard someone call him name.

"yangyang!" they called for a second time and the brown-haired male turned around, his face going red at the sight of dongwon waving at him before running over. "hey, how are you?"

"good," yangyang managed without a flustered stutter. "you?"

"same here," he grinned and it made his stomach butterflies go utterly nuts. "can i walk with you outside? i mean, we are going to the same place."

"sure, i'm cool with that," yangyang said with attempted casualty, though on the inside he was freaking out. his good mood persisted as they walked side by side, yangyang managing to strike up a conversation about the upcoming science test.

he thought nothing could ruin it —

"hey double yang!" said donghyuck cheerfully as the pair arrived to their usual table, casually sitting on mark's lap with his backpack placed aside. mark had resorted to appear like he had fallen asleep as he rested his head against the other's back, his arms tightly wrapped around donghyuck's waist.

"hey hyuck," yangyang grinned back. thankfully, he hadn't noticed that dongwon's eyes began to wander, landing right on yukhei who was working with jisung on their homework, chenle right on the other side of his boyfriend as he scrolled on his phone.

"library again for studying?" donghyuck asked.

"actual studying?" jisung looked up from his homework packet with raised eyebrows.

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