17 | She, Who Deserves Her

Start from the beginning

"Yuji~" I called. She looked at me.

"Mindoongie," She stared at my face. "You're drunk."

"I'm not." I pouted, before curling my lips upwards, smiling at her again. "Come. Come with me."

I pulled her away from my friends, from all the noise. I'm really feeling dizzy because of it, and me being drunk is not helping at all.

I kept pulling Yuji until we got into Ryujin and I's room. I pushed the glass door aside so we can enter the balcony.

Wow, it's cold here.

"Minjeong, what are we doing here?"


"It's Mindoongie for you, stupid." I poked her shoulders. "And why do you sound so serious? It's not like I'll do something to you or anything." I grinned.

I saw her stare at me. "You're really drunk."

"I said I'm not!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms against my chest.

"Let's get you to bed, Min-"

"I like you."


I faced her. She looked shocked. Was my confession shocking?

"I said I like you, Yuji." My eyebrows furrowed. "No wait, I think I love you-no, I don't think I've gone that far. Yeah, I like you. That's right."

"A-are you serious right now?"

"No. I'm just kidding." I sarcastically said. "Do I look like a clown to you? Yes, I am dead serious."

She didn't answer. She looked speechless.

I waved my hand.

"It doesn't matter. You're with Aeri now. It doesn't matter." I repeated, forcing myself to look away from her.

The moon is so bright tonight.

"See that?" I pointed at the moon above us. "That's you."

"You're like the moon, so beautiful yet so hard to reach. I want to have you, keep you by my side so you can bring light to my life. But I know I can't," I put a hand on my chest.

Wow, it stinged. That hurt.

"Because I don't deserve you, Yuji." I smiled.

"Aeri is a star, like, one of the biggest. She's probably the Sun." I chuckled. "She can reach you so easily, she just have to wait for you and her to collide and you will become the brightest. You become the brightest when you're with her."

My hands went to the railings, gripping it tightly.

"And I'm just a human, a normal person who can only watch your beautiful collision...from afar."

My gaze shifted to her.

She's giving me a look that I can't comprehend. Was it a pity? Sadness? Confusion? Pain?

I refused to know.

"I like you so much that it's so sad." I confessed. "It's sad that I don't even regret losing you."

I looked into her eyes. "Because I know you deserve so much better, Yuji. You deserve Aeri. Both of you deserve each other."

"Who are you to decide who I deserve?"

My breath hitched. Her voice sounds so dull and cold.

"Who are you to decide who I want to be? Who I want to like?"

"How dare you speak so low of yourself like that?"

My eyes widened.

"My God, Minjeong." She rubbed her face in frustration. I can even see the same emotion in her eyes when she looked at me again. "You're...you're everything. Good God, you're the whole universe to me."

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