Eventful Day Ch.3

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Girls: NOOO!

You cover your ears to not let your ears get anymore loud screams and just sitdown next to Issei.

Issei: You have been here for a day and all the girls are crawling over you!

He says that as his hands close into a fist.

Y/n: Well thats not my intention...

Issei: Anyways, I don't know how we sent into the same class but Im going to help you settle in

A girl heard this and gasped then shouted at me and Issei


Teacher: Quiet down! Our class begins now


After class Issei left with two boys which I assume are his friends to do whatever they do.
You find a nearby tree and settle down to eat your homemade bento box.

'Alrighty Ill dig in'

You were about to eat but you bear a girlish scream and see Issei and the two boys earlier running from what seemed like the kendo club

You sweatdrop and try to ignore them till they come running at you and Issei starts

Issei: Hey! Y/n, your good with the ladies right tell them to calm down!

Y/n: What! Don't drag me into this!

You immediatley reply not wanting to get into his problems

Girl1: We got you now pervs

You pinch your nose now knowing what happened but decided to help him considering he helped you settle in and brought you to the student council, so you stand in between them and the girls

Y/n: Hey calm down! What did they do anyways?

Girl2: They were peeping on us trough a hope in a room

You sigh and tried to diffuse the situation

Y/n: Look Im sorry but please find it in your heart to forgive them

You bow your head and basically grabbdd the other 3 and slammed them down into a bowing position

Girl1: W-well since you asked so nicely we can overlook this one~

Girl2: Your lucky your friend stepped in or else you would have become a bloody pulp

The girls walk inside the building and you sigh in relief

Issei: Thanks dude! Really did us a favor

Y/n: No problem, really

You sit back down and continues eating your food while they left
At the corner of your eye you see a red-haired girl staring at you through a window

*Rias POV*

Rias: Akeno who is that boy over there?

Akeno: Oh thats a new student his name is Y/n L/n, why?

Rias: Just curious, and checkmate

Akeno: Aw I wanted to make it a little harder on you

I look back to the boy at the tree.

'Who is he?'

*Your POV*

After school ends you decided to take a walk through the park to enjoy the scenary

???: Uhm, excuse me?

You turn around to see a cute looking girl staring at you

Y/n: Yes?

???: Can you please go out with me!

Y/n: Yeah sur- wait did I bear that right?

???: Is that a no...

You felt guilty and decided to accept the date

Y/n: N-no I accept

As soon as you said that her eyes lit up and she immediatley got her phone

Girl: Can we exchange contact information? Oh and the name is Yuma

Y/n: Alright my name is Y/n

As soon as you exchange contacts you wave her bye and left then suddenly notice a sound in the bushes

Y/n: Anyone there?

You get no response and you just thought it was just some animal and went home

As soon as you arrive your uncle was waiting for you in the front door

Uncle: Hey kid, how was your 1dt day?

Y/n: Eventful to say the least

Uncle: Ha, well tell me more over dinner freshen up a bit

You nodded and went to your room to take a bath

'Eventful is a understatement'

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