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Luna had the wind knocked out of her as she felt a hard and forceful punch on her back, causing her to fall off the bed and onto the ground with a loud thud.

A painful groan left her lips as she struggled to sit up. Once she turned on the lamp and looked on the bed, she realized that Peter was having another nightmare, which explained why he was punching and kicking the air as if he was fighting off some sort of threat.

The girl had to calmly think of what to do before she made any reckless decisions that would only result in her getting hurt.

A whole month went by, and it seemed like Peter's nightmares were only getting worse everyday. He would dream about the battle he went through along with the rest of the Avengers, and it was causing him to have some sort of bad reaction whenever it played in his mind while he slept. This was the fifth time his fists have came in contact with Luna, and it was starting to worry her. Peter didn't even realize what he was doing, and Luna didn't tell him. If he knew he was physically hurting her in his sleep, he would never forgive himself.

She didn't want to forcefully wake Peter up without making him freak out even more before he was fully conscious, so the girl slowly stood up from the floor and began calling his name.

"Peter," Her voice was raspy. "Wake up."

His eyes were screwed shut, stress lines decorating his forehead as his skin was damp with sweat.

"Come on, Pete. Please wake up." Luna just decided to approach him and carefully nudge him on the shoulder. It didn't end well when Peter suddenly flung his hand out, his palm colliding with her stomach and pushing her backwards. Luna stumbled as her back slammed against Peter's desk, knocking over a few things that clashed on the ground.

The loud ruckus finally made Peter jolt awake as he quickly sat up, his eyes filled with fear as he swiftly looked around with his hands up in defense as if he was ready to kill someone. His attention was then brought on Luna who hissed in pain as she rubbed her back.

Peter rushed out of bed and was by Luna's side in an instant. He reached out to her, his eyes scanning over her body as he rapidly blinked.

"W-What-" the boy struggled with his words. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Luna felt her back sting, and she resisted the urge to let out a pained sob. Peter's strength was unbelievably insane, and it took a huge toll on the girl's body to have a full force punch collide on her back and a push that made her body nearly fly on the other side of the room.

"N-Nothing." Luna tried taking a deep breath. "I just fell off the bed."

"What?" Peter was confused as he shook his head. "No," he wasn't believing it. "There's no way-"

The boy stopped talking as he quickly realized what actually happened. He suddenly remembered why he felt so on edge, and that was because of the vicious nightmare he was having just moments before. He remembered the fear that made him want to go crazy, which is why he was doing everything in his power to fight.

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