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Peter and Luna had all of their bags packed and in May's car by noon.

It was time for them to leave the cabin and head back to Queens. Luna wasn't ready to leave, but she knew it was time for them to give Pepper the space she needed after everything she's been through.

It's been two days since Tony's funeral, and things seemed to only get more complicated. Everyone went their separate ways once the whole thing was over. The Avengers were no longer together due to each of them going off and battling their own important duties as far as being superheroes.

Luna was standing near the lake, looking off into the distance and breathing in the fresh air as she closed her eyes. The sun was shining right on her face, the heat making her skin glisten a golden brown color. She would never get used to this place.

No part of her wanted to leave, but the battle was over now.

It was officially time for everyone to get on with their lives.

There was no need for Luna to stick around with the Avengers anymore. Her job was done, and the world was safe.

If she was being honest, a huge part of her didn't want to let go of that part of her life. She wasn't ready to walk away from everything she has done with the entire team. Of course, she didn't want to go back to when half of the population was dead, but Luna found herself wanting to still do her part by working alongside the Avengers. All of them were there for her when she fought her way into their lives. They could've turned her away but they didn't. Luna would never forget the special bond she had with every single one of them, especially Tony, Steve, and Natasha.

It was already hard enough for the teenager to accept what had happened with Tony and Natasha, but what she wasn't expecting was for Steve to leave her too. She wasn't ready for him to make such a big decision that changed his entire life.

The second Luna realized what he had done, she was completely devastated. She didn't have any words to say as she stood frozen next to Bruce as she slowly started to realized what just happened. She couldn't bring herself to go up to Steve and see him as a completely different person from how he left. It was too hard, and she wasn't ready for it.

That was when Luna was forced to let Steve go as well.

Even though she was crushed, the brunette still wanted to be happy for him. He did what he needed to do, and that was to go back in time and be with the love of his life. He did it for love, and Luna couldn't blame him. The only regret she had was not giving Steve a proper goodbye in a way she would've wanted to. After everything he did for her, it was the very least she could do.

Everything still seemed like such a mess.

Luna didn't know what she was going to do without Tony, Steve, or Natasha.

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