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Kei Kuruizawa's POV

It has been a few weeks since Hirata and I announced that we've broken up. The whole class was shocked, but it seemed that they'd already forgotten it and accepted that we both had to "move on". It was funny because I had to fake cry my way so that it would seem more convincing. Hirata, however, still promised he'd be there to protect me. I'm not sure how he'll accomplish that, but I'm hoping for the best. I sighed looking straight at the screen of my phone, "I truly am hopeless."

I've always wondered if I'll ever be brave enough to protect myself. Will I just continue to be the pathetic girl and cower behind other people? I swerved my thumb up and down the screen of my phone trying to pretend I was doing something when I was just drowning in my own thoughts. I hear the bell ring, but pay no attention to it, eyes still glued on the bright screen.

"Kei?" I stopped looking at my phone and looked up to see my friend, Satsuki. I placed my phone down and gave her a greeting smile.

"Want to go to the karaoke today?" She asked looking excited. It was probably because the class had just ended. I looked out the window and saw how lovely the weather today was and slowly glanced back at her. I'd like to go with her, but I already made plans...

"Sorry, not today, Satsuki. I promised Kikyou-chan that I'd help her with something." I gave Satsuki a half smile. She sighed in return.

"Bummer! I was hoping we could hang out."

"Maybe tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Alright! You better stick to your words, missy!" She grinned. The proposal was enough for her to forgive me for ditching our usual routine. I watched as she fixed her bag and then walked her way up to the door, leaving our classroom with a small wave and a grin. When she was out of sight, I looked at my surroundings scanning to see where Kikyou was.

It seemed that everybody else in the class had already left, with the exception of a few. Kikyou was still talking to some of our classmates. I looked at her irremovable smile and I couldn't help but admire her. She's so friendly, energetic, and easy to approach... everything I never was and I don't think I'll ever be. I set aside those negative thoughts and pulled my phone out again, turning it on just so I could check the time. 3:56 PM.

With another sigh, I turned my phone off and caught a glimpse of my reflection on the screen. I couldn't help but glare at myself, I know that even if I try so hard to accept who I am, I still feel immense self-disgust.

"Kei-chan!" I heard Kikyou's voice and immediately composed myself. I smiled mirroring her expression, but she immediately changed to a frown and curled her eyebrows.

"Sorry Kei.. it seems like I'll be busy for a bit. Ruri wanted me to help with something—" She was about to say what it was but decided not to continue by changing the subject, "But we can all meet up later somewhere if you're free?"

"Oh, will it be at the Pallet?" It was the usual go-to place for project meetings and group activities. A very nice and spacious cafe. Bonus points, they serve the best desserts.

"Unfortunately not, there's just a lot of people there during these hours and I'm sure the others don't want anyone from Class C overhearing any of our discussion." She said with a worried expression. Class C's being a pain in the butt as always, huh? Well, I don't really care. As long as they're not doing anything to me, I'll be fine. Guess I'll get to save up more, I was really looking forward to ordering a few chocolate drinks.

"Where will we meet up then?" I asked.


I stared as she began to unzip her bag seemingly looking for something. After a few seconds of rustling through it, she pulled out a card and with no hesitation handed it to me.

"We'll have a meet-up at Ayanokouji's room." She gave me a smile but suddenly realized something. She probably thought that I'd find it weird that she had his keys. She immediately defended herself and shook her head.

"Oh! It's not what it looks like, Uhm--Sudou and the others made duplicate key cards so we can chill there whenever. It became our go-to place to hang out or study after midterms," She said. Oh well, as gloomy as that dude always is—he does seem harmless and I don't really care enough to pry on Kikyou's love life. If she really was dating Ayanokouji, It was none of my business. Although it would be a good topic for gossip. It's still kind of a bit weird that they have duplicates of his room key though. Does he even know we'll be having a meet-up today?

"I see. Does he know about this?" I blurted out my thoughts.

"I actually forgot to tell him, but don't worry, I think he'll understand." Kikyou quickly zipped her bag and wore it behind her back. Before I could protest and pry even more questions, she glanced at her phone to quickly check the time.

"I'll be heading out now, I'll be quick! Let's go Ruri!" She signaled one of our classmates, Ruri who was shyly standing behind her this whole time. With a wave, I watched as they both left the class.

"See you at 5! Sudou, Ike, Yamauchi, and hopefully, Horikita will be there too!" She loudly said, I could hear her words fading in the background.

And with that, I was alone again.

I enjoyed this brief moment of being by myself and looked straight out the window. The weather was perfect, It was almost like a mixture of sunny and cloudy. Despite the wonderful atmosphere, I was yet again alone with my own thoughts, I couldn't help but worry about the future. If I stay in Class D, I don't think any of the bullying will disappear. I'll still be vulnerable because I'm in the lowest class of the first years...

"That's why you're helping Kikyou right?" I spoke to myself. Yes, that's right. I owed her and that's why I decided to help her with Sudou's violent issue with Class C. Maybe volunteering to help is my first step on becoming independent. I don't really want to rely on anyone anymore.


A/N: If you skipped this part just for the smut. You're a different kind of devil 😩 But I don't blame 'ya. Do as you must with your raging hormones.

Btw, I'm not sure which volume it is but this takes place before our main characters even met Sakura/Airi. I changed the story and made Karuizawa and Hirata split up, which ends with Karuizawa desperately making attempts to be closer to other people because her sole protector can't protect her anymore.

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